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SplitPDF -SplitPDF.jar- is a ‘command-line driven’ Java-program, it splits a PDF-file by bookmarks into separated PDF’s. The bookmark is used as title for the newly created PDF. Extremely usefull and fast in a batch processing environment.
iSURF: An Interoperability Service Utility for Collaborative Supply Chain Planning across Multiple Domains Supported by RFID Devices. iSURF ( project is funded under ICT-2007-1.3 objective of FP7 of European Commission.
Ajanta is a Java API to solve linear programming problems. Linear programming is a method for determining a way to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given list of constraints.
Entrust your employee well-being to Calmerry's nationwide network of licensed mental health professionals.
Calmerry is beneficial for businesses of all sizes, particularly those in high-stress industries, organizations with remote teams, and HR departments seeking to improve employee well-being and productivity
This project aims at providing a centralized system to store, retrieve, and execute BIRT reports in a server environment so that applications using BIRT reports do not have to sore the reports by themselves, and rely on this project for management.
MetadataPortal Metadata Management software is a web based Opensource Metadata Management Solution for Enterprise Integration. For more details please have a look at the blog entry at
The project strives to provide an editor for the Business Motivation Model by the OMG. The Business Motivation Model specification provides a scheme or structure for developing, communicating, and managing business plans in an organized manner.
Collabry is an open API for building of collaboration/social networking. The API defined as a set of webservices, as a set of class libraries for rapid development web interfaced collaboration/social networking applications.
For small to mid-sized landlords and property managers
Innago is a free and easy-to-use property management solution. Whether you have 1 unit or 1000, student housing, or commercial properties, Innago is built for you. Our software is designed to save you time and money, so you can spend more time doing the things that matter most.
A tool, which supports administration of a german Spielhalle. The focus is set to a single agency, but there will be analysis functions for multiple agencies.
BIRD stands for Business Intelligence Research and Development and it is part of the CoIntell Corporation ( The goal of the BIRD community is to develop smart BI solutions Fast!
The Enterprise Knowledge Base (EKB) from is a repository for enterprise knowledge: metadata, planning and governance. The EKB can manage and transform both structured and unstructured data as files, Eclipse-EMF or RDF ontologies.
This is web based project allow user to manage foreign worker data using web browser. It keep basic foreign worker info, medical and visa data, payment history, worker/passport picture and their home town address.
Building a human resources management system based on Microsoft technologies: .NET 2.0 with C#, MS SQLServer 2005, CAB, Enterprise Lib, Smart Client...
This is a mix of desktop and web app solution