hewies user interface - 3D scientific visualisation tool
An open-source web-based self-service BI for analytical databases
DSTK - DataScience ToolKit for All of Us
Record which book you read , how many page , status , progress and mor
Migrate/Copy your data between Oracle database and 13 major DBs.
Ad-hoc data replication for Oracle database.
The beat of your business
Loads CSV file to14 databases
Spool you scalar data in CSV format from 14 major Databases.
Extract-Copy-Load (ECL) tool for 14 databases.
Copy data between your SQLServer instances
Copy/pipe your scalar data from Oracle to SQLServer
Simplified CSV turbo loader to Oracle
A document clustering system with search & report generation features
Sync .twb files to Tableau Server (prevent report chaos!)
Web-based data panel