122 programs for "surface" with 1 filter applied:

  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
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  • 1


    Library to stream in rtmp and rtsp for Android. All code in Java

    Library for streaming in RTMP and RTSP. All code in Java.
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  • 2


    An interactive viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.

    Over 1,000,000 page views per month. Jmol/JSmol is a molecular viewer for 3D chemical structures that runs in four independent modes: an HTML5-only web application utilizing jQuery, a Java applet, a stand-alone Java program (Jmol.jar), and a "headless" server-side component (JmolData.jar). Jmol can read many file types, including PDB, CIF, SDF, MOL, PyMOL PSE files, and Spartan files, as well as output from Gaussian, GAMESS, MOPAC, VASP, CRYSTAL, CASTEP, QuantumEspresso, VMD, and many other...
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  • 3
    Art of Illusion
    Art of Illusion is a full featured 3D modelling, rendering, and animation studio. It is written entirely in Java, and can run on almost any operating system.
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  • 4
    CD (Canvas Draw) is a platform-independent graphics library. It is implemented in several platforms using native graphics libraries: Windows (GDI) and X-Windows (XLIB). The canvas is an abstract surface that can be a window, an image or a metafile.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5
    Iso2Mesh - A 3D Mesh Generation Toolbox

    Iso2Mesh - A 3D Mesh Generation Toolbox

    A 3D surface and volumetric mesh generator for MATLAB/Octave

    A simple yet powerful mesh generator based on MATLAB/GNU Octave language, creating finite-element mesh from surfaces or arbitrary 3D volumetric images (such as MRI/CT scans) with fully automatic workflows.
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  • 6
    MESMER is designed to analyze and simulate reactions in the gas phase that take place on a potential energy surface that is characterized by having one or more potential wells, and which are typically described by rate coefficients that depend on pressure (or concentration) as well as temperature. MESMER allows you to simulate systems over a wide range of pressures and temperatures, extract rate coefficients, analyze experimental data, fit model parameters and represent rate coefficients...
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  • 7


    Scientific Visualisation Made Easy

    The Simple Medical Imaging Library Interface (SMILI), pronounced 'smilie', is an open-source, light-weight and easy-to-use medical imaging viewer and library for all major operating systems. The main sMILX application features for viewing n-D images, vector images, DICOMs, anonymizing, shape analysis and models/surfaces with easy drag and drop functions. It also features a number of standard processing algorithms for smoothing, thresholding, masking etc. images and models, both with...
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  • 8
    SWASH is a general-purpose numerical tool for simulating unsteady, non-hydrostatic, free-surface, rotational flow and transport phenomena in coastal waters as driven by waves, tides, buoyancy and wind forces. It provides a general basis for describing wave transformations from deep water to a beach, port or harbour, complex changes to rapidly varied flows, and density driven flows in coastal seas, estuaries, lakes and rivers.
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    console to calculate airflow around an airfoil based on RANS approach

    ... and heat transfer and the effect of surface roughness on near wall flow are considered by this program, it can be used for engineering calculation of the friction drag and heat transfer coefficients on airfoil surface. RANSFOIL reads coordinates data from a 1D XYZ file which describes the grid points or control points on airfoil as only input, then outputs grid and solution files in 2D PLOT3D format to record grid coordinates and airflow data and a report file to show aerodynamic parameters.
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  • Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free Icon
    Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free

    From Canva to Slides, Desmos to YouTube, Lumio works with the tech tools you are already using.

    Transform anything you share into an engaging digital experience - for free. Instantly convert your PDFs, slides, and files into dynamic, interactive sessions with built-in collaboration tools, activities, and real-time assessment. From teaching to training to team building, make every presentation unforgettable. Used by millions for education, business, and professional development.
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  • 10
    ...: "Complex_Domain_Coloring") 3) Texture definitions (RGB and HSV) for parametric surfaces can now be expressed as functions of complex numbers 4) Added a software implementation for the OpenGL variable gl_FrontFacing (fixed an issue with GPU drivers on MacOSX Catalina). The activation of this patch is available from mathmodconfig.js ("OpenGlConfig"-->"GL_FrontFacingSupport"=false) or the GUI("Appearance"-->"OpenGL Front Surface Support") 5) Bug-fixes, code optimization and documentation update.
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  • 11
    QuakeIIxp is a multi-platform (windows, linux and freeBSD (experemental)) graphics port of the game Quake II developed by Id Software. Completely updated rendering takes full advantage of the latest graphics cards to get the perfect picture, preserving the original style of the game.
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    3D Joint Inversion Framework

    jif3d is a framework for joint inversion of different types of geophysical data in 3D. It currently comprises forward solvers for first arrival traveltimes, scalar and tensor gravity data, magnetics, magnetotellurics, electrical resistivity tomography and surface waves.The framework is flexible in terms of the coupling approach between the different datasets. At the moment cross-gradient coupling, variation of information and deterministic parameter relationships are implemented. Other coupling...
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  • 13
    WavePacket (Matlab/Octave)

    WavePacket (Matlab/Octave)

    Dynamics of quantum systems, controlled by external fields

    WavePacket is a program package for numerical simulation of quantum-mechanical wavepacket dynamics of distinguishable particles. It can be used to solve single or coupled time-independent or time-dependent (linear) Schrödinger and Liouville-von Neumann-equations, partly also classical or quantum-classical Liouville equations. Optionally accounting for the interaction with external electric fields within the semiclassical dipole approximation, WavePacket can be used to simulate modern...
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  • 14
    Euler Pole Calculator (EPC)

    Euler Pole Calculator (EPC)

    A Matlab software to estimate Euler pole parameters

    The EPC software calculates the expected velocities for any points located on the earth’s surface given the relevant Euler pole parameters and estimates the Euler pole parameters given the observed velocities of a set of sites located on the same tectonic plate. In version 2, the software is able to estimate or apply the Plate Translation Rates (PTR) in the direct and inverse Euler pole problems. Keywords: Direct Euler pole problem, Inverse Euler pole problem, Plate Translation Rates...
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    Cross-Platform Level Editor for Doom3 and The Dark Mod

    Project has been moved to https://github.com/codereader/DarkRadiant! DarkRadiant is an overhauled version of GTKRadiant designed for use with The Dark Mod stealth game (https://www.thedarkmod.com), a Thief-inspired game making use of the idTech4 engine. DarkRadiant is capable of editing maps in The Dark Mod, Doom 3, Quake 4 and XreaL.
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  • 16
    The Java-XML-GuiBuilder creates on the basis of XML documents a runable Java swing surface. These tools are meant for the production by horizontal prototypes, the specification/documentation of the user's interface, the runtime to
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  • 17
    -primitives: shere, plane, triangle -triangle surface (mesh) -obj format support -lights: point light -camera lens: planar, cylindrical, spherical -lighting: ambient, diffuse, specular (Phong, Blinn-Phong) -shadows: simple soft shadows -ray types: reflection, transmission -internal memory manager and profiler -internal code profiler -acceleration structure (KDTree) -photon map -multi-threading support (ThreadPool)
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    VISTAS (VCSEL Integrated Spatio-Temporal Advanced Simulator) is a highly efficient 2D, time-domain Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) model aimed at optimizing entire optical links.
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    Open mineral exploration database system

    Now also living on gitlab. https://gitlab.com/mds-/xplordb Mineral Exploration Database template/ system for Postgres/PostGIS and QGIS. The project incorporates import scripts, data storage, validation, reporting, 3D drill trace generation and more. psql, pgAdmin and QGIS are the suggested database and GIS front-end programs.
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    Concise spatial query and representation system (c-squares)

    C-squares is an easily implemented method for storage, querying and display of spatial data locations, based on a hierarchical, grid-based representation of the Earth' surface. Source code for encoding, decoding, mapping, etc. is provided via this site. Additional support is available by contacting the system developer, Tony.Rees@marinespecies.org; see also the c-squares home page at http://www.cmar.csiro.au/csquares/ .
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    Finite Element Method on 3D Meshes

    f3dmlib is a FEM library that can read, write and analyse 3D tetrahedral meshes, minimize a given functional, and refine the resulting meshes. The minimization is parallelized with OpenMP. Three main features in unstable 1.8.x version (available via GIT): quadratic elements, periodic boundary conditions, and the solver for scalar and electromagnetic wave equations. f3dmgeom is a collection of a few simple tools for creating surface meshes for tetgen. It can handle simple geometries only.
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  • 22


    Calculates Volume, Surface Area & Centroid of a Closed Triangular Mesh

    The ObjectVolume program calculates the volume, surface area and centroid of a closed triangular mesh represented in an object file (.obj). The process goes through the list of triangles that make up the surface and, for each triangle, forms a tetrahedron with an external point. The program uses the origin (0,0,0). The volume of the tetrahedron is then calculated. Tetrahedrons with back facing triangles are added and those with forward facing triangles are subtracted yielding the object volume...
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  • 23
    Java Games and Graphics is meant to be a fun project. The goal here is to have fun with JAVA graphics and JAVA games. There is no specific goal as to what kind of graphics or games.This project features an RPG Role Playing, MUD, and Turn Based Combat gam
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    3D Plot PovRay templates

    3D Plot PovRay templates

    3D Charts - Templates for PovRay(TM)

    Here are PovRay(TM) templates for creating amazing 3D plots (histogram, surface, box&whisker). These are macros in PovRay Scene Description Language (SDL), you have to #include into Your scene, manually or by PovEdit Menu System. Nice renderings!
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    Generator of the Mandelbrot family fractals

    Fraqtive is an open source, multi-platform generator of the Mandelbrot family fractals. It uses very fast algorithms supporting SSE2 and multi-core processors. It generates high quality anti-aliased images and renders 3D scenes using OpenGL. It allows real-time navigation and dynamic generation of the Julia fractal preview. Website: https://fraqtive.mimec.org/
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