1 program for "sistema lojas" with 1 filter applied:

  • Efficiently streamline your school bus route planning and information management Icon
    Efficiently streamline your school bus route planning and information management

    Save money with improved route efficiency and streamlined operations

    Efficiently manage your fleet, drivers, students and routes. Get 24/7 live technical support from anywhere, anytime. Lynx empowers your transport department by providing multiple features to keep up with your school transport needs. Get control of your bus routing data. Easily update student information to any of your bus routes. View multiple routes at one time, set specific parameters in real-time and more. Track and monitor your vehicles plus keep track of fleet maintenance, all in real-time. Easily create customized reports to comply with transportation regulations and requirements. Easily view, map or export all of your rider pickups, special needs riders and group stops in one place.
  • #1 Accounting Software For Small Business Icon
    #1 Accounting Software For Small Business

    Easily pay your team and access powerful tools, employee benefits, and supportive experts with the #1 online payroll service provider.

    Manage payroll and access HR and employee services in one place. Pay your team automatically once your payroll setup is complete. We'll calculate, file, and pay your payroll taxes automatically. Keep cash longer with free same-day direct deposit. Manage benefits and employee services from your payroll account. Keep cash longer with direct deposit. You’ll also have the flexibility to pay your team when you want with same-day direct deposit. Your time tracking data automatically flows into your account. You can approve timesheets, pay your team, and create invoices right from your phone. Free up valuable time and set your payroll to run automatically. If you turn on Auto Payroll, we’ll also send notifications to help you manage your account.
  • 1
    O JewSys é um sistema para auxílio no controle de clientes, fornecedores e emissão de pedidos. Ideal para utilização em pequenas lojas de venda de jóias e bijouterias no atacado.
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