Cross-platform tool to build, test and package software
The DB Browser for SQLite
RetDec is a retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM
A JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards
Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++
Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
Cross-platform Music Visualization Library
Intel® RealSense SDK
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
Light-weight system monitor for X
Open source simulation game based on Transport Tycoon Deluxe
SQL operating system instrumentation and monitoring framework
C++ CSV parser library
Distribution-independent installer framework
Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
Proxy: Next Generation Polymorphism in C++
Frame profiler
A BSD-based OS project that aims to provide an experience with MacOS
Vulkan & C++17 based Scene Graph Project
Inotify-tools is a C library and a set of command-line programs
Cross-Platform C++ GUI Library
HARFANG 3D source code public repository
Multiplatform C++ library for parsing and crafting of network packets
A lightweight header-only library for using Keras (TensorFlow) models
CasADi is a symbolic framework for numeric optimization