Android Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat API. UI component libraries for chat
Object-functional library that runs with Java 8+
A pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web and Desktop
Add custom NBT tags to Items/Tiles/Entities without NMS
Tools for creating Laravel packages
jQuery plugin to scroll the text like the old traditional marquee
MyBatis integration with Spring Boot
Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI
Rust / Wasm framework for building client web apps
Pothos GraphQL is library for creating GraphQL schemas in typescript
A library for creating Scrollytelling animations
A library for building dynamic, infinitely customizable interfaces
The fastest way to make a powerful JSON:API compatible Rest API
An open source alternative to Mint, YNAB, and more
Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation
A JavaFX library containing tiles that can be used for dashboards
Spring Batch is a framework for writing batch applications using Java
Supports tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of database
Comprehensive React component library that implements Material Design
A cross-platform (C99/C++11) process library
The magic of Inertia.js with the simplicity of Blade
Create a personalized & professional profile page
Dashboard and code-driven configuration for Laravel queues
Graphile's Crystal Monorepo; home to Grafast, PostGraphile
GoNB, a Go Notebook Kernel for Jupyter