Open Source Intelligence Framework
Web Plugin powered by Firebreath/Qt Qml/Vlc
Program for intelligently merging firefox bookmars.html files.
Darmowa, polska, super szybka przeglądarka internetowa
Vlc web plugin based on FireBreath
Open source lightweight web browser for Windows.
hosts for Internet Freedom
Custom browser Based on Mozilla source code
Use amazon's website to shop at your favourite local book shop.
A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries
A very simple browser, and site-specific!
WebSpinner automatically changes websites in your browser.
An all new webBrowser
Basic, Fast, Easy to use - who wouldn't want that? Now you can have it
An Open-Sourced Web Browser based on Internet Explorer 9
A powerful tool to translate selected words (or sentences) to a wide r
FireWeb, cross-platform web browser!
Trixie - Tricks for IE