Consolidate and extend hosts files from several well-curated sources
Node.js native addon build tool
A plugin for allowing Xanadu PennyLane to use Amazon Braket devices
Statusline plugin for vim with prompts for several other applications
Ajenti Core and stock plugins
Redis-based components for Scrapy
A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to see git diff in gutter
A framework for browser automation and testing with Selenium
The AWS GameKit Plugin for Unreal
Portable software for cloud, local, and portable USB drives
A Python plugin for using Ocean with Amazon Braket
Python Development Environment with all batteries included
Save browser bookmarks to single shortcut file
Multi-platform browser for the distributed web
Makes a detailed count of your browser bookmarks by folder
Small, powerful, full featured WYSIWYG editor
WebDAV client 64-bit works with Plone 5, Apache and more
Program for intelligently merging firefox bookmars.html files.
hosts for Internet Freedom