A minimal browser for the distributed web (Desktop version)
Translate your page in real time using Google or Yandex
A web extension that helps you view JSON documents in the browser
Consolidate and extend hosts files from several well-curated sources
The plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics
Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js
Web Extension for Firefox/Chrome/MS Edge and CLI tool
One for all free music in china (chrome extension)
browser-side require() the node.js way
Lighter, faster browser kernel of blink to integrate HTML UI in apps
Node.js native addon build tool
Browser extension for reverse image search, available for Chrome
Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
Console for mobile browsers
A web extension for Pixiv
A framework for browser automation and testing with Selenium
Browser extension that simplifies access to IPFS resources on the web
The all-in-one Red Team extension for Web Pentesters
A tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript
jquery tree plugin
File tree extension for GitHub on Chrome & Firefox & Edge
Browser extension that simplifies GitHub interface and adds features
Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes in your browser
This is the lua implementation of nvim-hlchunk
The CLI for your next Chrome Extension