A file format for exchanging computational models in systems biology
Software tools for processing taxonomic descriptions in DELTA format
MANTI - Mastering Advanced N-Termini Interpretation
Manual counter with the keyboard or the mouse on images
muda.pl - MQ unified data assembler
Performs several operations to Fasta protein databases
GUI front-end for OMSSA
GUI front-end to sequest.exe
Get specific sequences from a FASTA or FASTQ file.
A CRISPR tool for user-defined protospacer adjacent motif
An interactive FTP-like command-line BaseSpace download client
Bacterial Intergenic Region Analysis Pipeline
q: integrated platform for pipeline configuration and management
Create portable, flexible domain drawings of protein sequences
BCV is DNA base caller with vocabulary
A Modern Perl Framework for High Throughput Sequencing analysis
A cross-platform interface for the *.mfj file format.
IO buffering in parallel environments with large files
FluxY – a processing tool set for stable isotope label MS data
Selects SNPs and samples with known genotypes for microarray design