a mass spectrometry–based proteomics database search algorithm
ChIP-RNA-sequencing-processing (ChIP-RNA-seqPRO)
Protein Primary Sequnece Analysis
Compression for SAM/BAM file format
The Non-Outlier Fragment Ion ranking for enhaced DIA quantification
Software tool for optimizing data-independent acquisition methods
An interactive FTP-like command-line BaseSpace download client
Human protein similarity network used to predict drug safety.
Portable Framework for the Parallel Execution of Short Read Aligners
ConvertMAS converts Chemical File Formats mol, mol2 and sdf.
Supervised Ranking of Contigs in de novo Assemblies
Bacterial Intergenic Region Analysis Pipeline
FoodDiary is an app, that tracks what you have eaten.
A lot of fish in a shoal, in a gigantic scientific ocean.
Image processing suite for Electron Microscopy
LImits of Detection SImulation for Microbes
gMol molecular graphics