Stacking program, astrometric (plate) solver, fits file viewer
DIY project to build an ASCOM compliant flip flat panel
ASCOM-INDI ESP32 Wifi focuser
Echoes is a radio spectral analysis software for SDR devices
ESP32 mySQM+ Sky-Meter/Weather Station with loads of features
Hallo Northern Sky planetarium program
Software for planet observation and study
Night Vision is a "planetarium" program written in Java
Image viewer/editor specialized in astrophotography 16bits processing
Astrophotography image & video processor. Full processing cycle
ESP32 4-channel dew controller.
ProStack - a platform for image processing and analysis
BoPlanets shows planets relatively to an observing planet.
General data-reduction tool for fiber-fed integral-field spectrographs
*nix Sidereal Clock
Hunting Planets in the Kepler Data
cmdline and ui interfaces to ANSVR - astrophotography plate solving
Sight Reduction for Air Navigation with Python
Fork of Dark Master and allows astrophotographers to match dark frames