YOLOv5 is the world's most loved vision AI
React Native command line tools
Build mobile apps with React
Package your Node.js project into an executable
Real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, and more
A cross-platform, portable, linkable Git implementation library
Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps
The simplest way to create progressive web apps across platforms
Apache Cordova iOS
Unified Development Platform for iOS, tvOS, Android, Android TV
HumHub is an open source enterprise social network
Fomantic-UI is the community fork of Semantic-UI
Gem Wallet is an open source cryptocurrency wallet for iOS and Android
Essential cross platform APIs for your mobile apps
Create, maintain, and interact with Xcode projects at scale
ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS
A collection of awesome loading animations
A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects
Cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++
Makes using TailwindCSS in NativeScript a whole lot easier
A Kotlin-first SDK for Firebase
A Simple Todo app design in Flutter to keep track of your task
Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code
Autocompleted resources like images, fonts & segues in Swift projects
The official Sentry SDK for iOS, tvOS, macOS, watchOS