Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift
Generic Python packager for Android and iOS
Cross platform toolkit for creative coding in C++
MQTT 5.0 client library for iOS and macOS written in Swift
Quick Look plugin for mobile apps and provisioning profiles
iOS & OSX Syntax Highlighter
Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
Customizable Icons for React Native with full styling
Protect the objective-c application
Orx: Portable Game Engine
A Custom Puppy Linux Live CD For Creating & Running Shell Scripts
The smallest and the most powerful operating system.
iHome Smart Home System Platform
Character animation system for games and simulations.
Cross platform Virtual Reality authoring and playback
JVM Bullet Physics SDK
The next generation XML library for Pascal (Delphi, FPC, Lazarus)
High performance model framework for iOS/OSX
A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS
An iOS and macOS audio visualization framework
Cross platform 2D/3D game engine written in C++11 & OpenGL ES 2/3
An experiment using the peerflix module of nodejs and connecting APIs
A cross-platform OpenGL based lightweight scenegraph library