A logger which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class
Media player audio video file ; multimedia
An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern
Vue Native is a framework to build cross platform native mobile apps
WebSocket & WAMP in Java for Android and Java 8
Image Picker for Android, Pick an image from Gallery
[no longer supported] Control Model Railroads with Android Phone
A React Native ListView component with rows that swipe open and closed
The Kotlin programming language
Mind map and outliner editor for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS
Hello there. This App is designed for Next Door Lounge
Free Best Relaxing Sound, Sleep Music, Meditation Android App
The adaptation of JFugue library for Android
Icon set by Kentico
Flexbox for Android
A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
Use Apache echarts (incubating) in WeChat mini program
Resources for Blazor, a .NET web framework using C#/Razor
A distributed cross-platform Telegram Bot
Android library that creates app shortcuts from annotations
A Java to iOS Objective-C translation tool and runtime
Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
An android image compression library
Debug bridge for Android applications
A clean and lightweight loading/toast widget for Flutter