Showing 84 open source projects for "c++ programming language"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    The C++ parallel algorithms library

    Thrust is the C++ parallel algorithms library which inspired the introduction of parallel algorithms to the C++ Standard Library. Thrust's high-level interface greatly enhances programmer productivity while enabling performance portability between GPUs and multicore CPUs. It builds on top of established parallel programming frameworks (such as CUDA, TBB, and OpenMP). It also provides a number of general-purpose facilities similar to those found in the C++ Standard Library. The NVIDIA C...
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  • 2


    A glib-like multi-platform c library

    TBOX is a glib-like cross-platform C library that is simple to use yet powerful in nature. The project focuses on making C development easier and provides many modules (.e.g stream, coroutine, regex, container, algorithm ...), so that any developer can quickly pick it up and enjoy the productivity boost when developing in C language. It supports the following platforms: Windows, Macosx, Linux, Android, iOS, BSD and etc. Supports file, data, http and socket source. Supports the stream filter...
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  • 3
    Rubix ML

    Rubix ML

    A high-level machine learning and deep learning library for PHP

    Rubix ML is a free open-source machine learning (ML) library that allows you to build programs that learn from your data using the PHP language. We provide tools for the entire machine learning life cycle from ETL to training, cross-validation, and production with over 40 supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms. In addition, we provide tutorials and other educational content to help you get started using ML in your projects. Our intuitive interface is quick to grasp while hiding alot...
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  • 4


    fast C++ library for linear algebra & scientific computing

    * Fast C++ library for linear algebra (matrix maths) and scientific computing * Easy to use functions and syntax, deliberately similar to Matlab / Octave * Uses template meta-programming techniques to increase efficiency * Provides user-friendly wrappers for OpenBLAS, Intel MKL, LAPACK, ATLAS, ARPACK, SuperLU and FFTW libraries * Useful for machine learning, pattern recognition, signal processing, bioinformatics, statistics, finance, etc. * Downloads:
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5
    Swiss Army Knife C++ Toolkit is a set of versatile tools for C++ development. It offers to a developer variety of everyday needed tools for programming. Among these tools are configuration files reader, Tokeniser, Singleton template and many more.
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  • 6
    MLPACK is a C++ machine learning library with emphasis on scalability, speed, and ease-of-use. Its aim is to make machine learning possible for novice users by means of a simple, consistent API, while simultaneously exploiting C++ language features to provide maximum performance and flexibility for expert users. * More info + downloads: * Git repo:
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  • 7


    fast C++ library for GPU linear algebra & scientific computing

    * Fast GPU linear algebra library (matrix maths) for the C++ language, aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use * Provides high-level syntax and functionality deliberately similar to Matlab * Provides an API that is aiming to be compatible with Armadillo for easy transition between CPU and GPU linear algebra code * Useful for algorithm development directly in C++, or quick conversion of research code into production environments * Distributed under the permissive Apache...
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  • 8

    AlgorithmsDev Library by Arshad Latti

    comman and new algorithms and functions development and demo programs.

    Provide implemented algorithms and functions with demo programs to test.keeped portable as possible at OS level and programming language(understanding)level.provide third party archives if available for ralvent algorithm.links for YouTube videos on availability by us and third party.
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  • 9


    Library of solvers for work in Science, Engineering & Education

    Portable library of solvers for work in Science, Engineering & Education. Library Contents: High Precision Computation, Numerical Calculus, Complex Analysis, Geometry, Linear Algebra, Special Functions, Differential Equations, Transformations, Optimization & Interpolation, Statistics, Physics ... (12,538 functions in v23.06 package) Knowledge of any programming language is not required. Only Windows port is available.
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  • Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg Icon
    Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg

    Get 7,500 MAUs, 50 tenants, and 5 SSOs free – integrated into your app with just a few lines of code.

    Frontegg powers modern businesses with a user management platform that’s fast to deploy and built to scale. Embed SSO, multi-tenancy, and a customer-facing admin portal using robust SDKs and APIs – no complexity required. Designed for the Product-Led Growth era, it simplifies setup, secures your users, and frees your team to innovate. From startups to enterprises, Frontegg delivers enterprise-grade tools at zero cost to start. Kick off today.
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  • 10
    This library contains generic algorithms from STL and and other sources, re-implemented using Instigate's GP methodology, based on modern principles of Generic Programming.
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  • 11
    Instigate Algebraic Concepts Library
    C++ Library of Abstract Algebra concepts and arithmetic algorithms defined in terms of these concepts, using Instigate Generic Programming Methodology. Based on this library we plan to develop Linear Algebra and Optimization concepts and algorithms.
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  • 12
    Temporal Inference Engine

    Temporal Inference Engine

    A real time inference engine for temporal logical specifications

    .... The accepted language provides timed logic and mathematical operators, conditional operators, interval operators, bounded quantifiers and parametrization of signals.
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  • 13


    Teachable/trainable artificially intelligent music bot

    ... explanation can be found here - This program is written in the SuperCollider programming language - Contact -
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  • 14

    The Practice of Parallel Programming

    A book on parallel programming and a C++ library

    An online edition of the book "The Practice of Parallel Programming" and examples from it. The examples include a parallel programming framework of production quality, that has been used in another project, Triceps.
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  • 15


    Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver

    Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver lp_solve solves pure linear, (mixed) integer/binary, semi-cont and special ordered sets (SOS) models.lp_solve is written in ANSI C and can be compiled on many different platforms like Linux and WINDOWS
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  • 16


    A logic programming tool and a logical database with a RESTful API

    Pytholog Tool (Command line & API) An executable tool, built in python, that enables logic programming and prolog syntax through interactive shell that mimics prolog language and / or RESTful API that can be called from other applications. The tool is based on the python library pytholog which can be found here: The tool starts normally from the command line. Let's look at the arguments that can be specified while initiating the tool...
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  • 17


    Matlab code of machine learning algorithms in book PRML

    This Matlab package implements machine learning algorithms described in the great textbook: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by C. Bishop (PRML). It is written purely in Matlab language. It is self-contained. There is no external dependency. This package requires Matlab R2016b or latter, since it utilizes a new Matlab syntax called Implicit expansion (a.k.a. broadcasting). It also requires Statistics Toolbox (for some simple random number generator) and Image Processing Toolbox...
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  • 18
    Pascal XE

    Pascal XE

    Pascal XE is an easy to use IDE for Pascal programming.

    Pascal XE is an IDE for Pascal programming, it is user friendly and designed specially for beginners in programming. Pascal XE includes 3 free compilers: - Virtual Pascal Compiler 2.1.279 (default) - Free Pascal Compiler 3.0.4 - GNU Pascal Compiler 20070904
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  • 19
    FastFlow: programming multi-core

    FastFlow: programming multi-core

    Pattern-based multi/many-core parallel programming framework

    FastFlow is a C/C++ programming framework supporting the development of pattern-based parallel programs on multi/many-core, GPUs and distributed platforms. FastFlow run-time is built upon non-blocking threads and lock-free queues. Thanks to its very efficient CAS-free communication/synchronization support (e.g. few clock cycles core-to-core latency), FastFlow effectively supports the exploitation of fine grain parallelism, e.g. parallel codes managing very high frequency streams on commodity...
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  • 20


    A tool for finite state machine analysis and synthesis.

    glint is a tool facilitating you in development of state-oriented control entities which supposed to be used in very broad areas of programming (e.g. state-oriented network protocols). glint saves you from pondering how your finite state machine should be organized, how many states it should have and what they should mean. You just tell glint how you would like your control entity to operate and glint returns to you the synthesised magic black box which implements the desired logic. Also...
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  • 21
    Linear Program Solver (Simplex)
    Linear Program Solver (Solvexo) is an optimization package intended for solving linear programming problems. The main features of the Solvexo are: · Solvexo solver is based on the efficient implementation of the simplex method (one or two phases); · Solvexo provides not only an answer, but a detailed solution process as a sequence of simplex matrices, so you can use it in studying (teaching) linear programming. · Solvexo provides a solution with the graphic method for problems with tow...
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  • 22


    Solved training lessons from website

    This project contains solutions for all training lessons that can be found on website The solutions are written in programming language C, because I presumed that it is the most basic language anyone can easily understand and the fact that many other languages have a basis in C means the code can be easily rewritten in that language.
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  • 23


    Utility classes, APIs and tools for Java

    A set of helper and utility classes, APIs and tools for the Java Programming Language. For more details - pleas visit the project homepage.
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  • 24
    Arageli is a C++ library for computations in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, linear and integer linear programming. Arageli provides routines and classes that support precise, i.e. symbolic or algebraic, computations.
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    Bachelor of Science (Informatik)

    The toolkit glpk supports methods for mixed integer linear programming (MILP). These methods solve Capital Budgeting Problems (CBP). Unfortunately, glpk does not support any multithreading and there is no feature to distribute problems via network connections. Today, this is a pitiable sight, because modern computer systems are coupled by networks and support multi threading. We create a distributed system with Apache thrift and the C-API of glpk. Now, it is possible to use as many cores...
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