Java Concurrency Tools for the JVM
Animated illustrations, one-click data structure
Do Leetcode exercises in IDE
Big Data Stream Analytics Framework.
AlgoSim : création, analyse et exécution des algorithmes
Least-Squares Adjustment Software for Geodetic Sciences
Releases of McuOnEclipse projects
Realtime PC-based control and simulator of control systems
Java programmer's aid in useful methods and classes
Constraint Satisfaction Problem solving library for Java
Password Safe encrypted databases, Java library
Open-source electronics platform
Nesting SDK, Library
Simple example of draw and rotate 3D box
Mirror of the TA-Lib project using a Git repository
Implementation of various string similarity and distance algorithms
Open source toolkit for solving rich vehicle routing problems
ADiV is a set of components for LAMW that uses JAVA and Pascal
Open-Source Framework for Distributed Constraint Optimization (DCOP)
IVS & ILRS Reference Point Determination