Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.
Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.
OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
Get started — no credit card required.
Enable access to virtual apps and desktops without device or browser restrictions.
For IT Professionals and Application Developers
Parallels® RAS (remote application server) is a flexible virtual application and desktop delivery solution that empowers organizations of all sizes to work securely from anywhere, on any device.
The OS561 operating system based around FORTH/Java. The OS is to run on a VHDL chip OpenHardware design called the Minon, but could become available for other platforms. The unique point of the design is a revolutionary data compression technology.
eBarter froms trades from commitments. It measures economic values without the need of a common value standard; distributes fairly the gain produced between participants and gives the preference to trades where participants have the weakest requirements.
It moves by itself inside networks like virus infection & plagues, it is being written to solve computer virus problem drastically and responsibly. It is legal, free and open for public domain to improve W3 ICT Security.
AI-based, Comprehensive Service Management for Businesses and IT Providers
Modular solutions for change management, asset management and more
ChangeGear provides IT staff with the functions required to manage everything from ticketing to incident, change and asset management and more. ChangeGear includes a virtual agent, self-service portals and AI-based features to support analyst and end user productivity.
A standalone, STL interface to the Torch library's Support Vector Machine (SVM). It supports single or multiclass (one vs. all) classification using dot product, polynomial, Gaussian and sigmoid kernels.
Web-Service for discrete dynamic systems' model description and simulation. Firstly, recursive procedures of stochastic optimization are added. The framework for open and closed loop model description and simulation.
Generic engine to filter information.
We wish to show that the power of expression of a filter makes it possible to appreciably reduce the size of the code necessary to extract information and that it is possible in Python.
Provide geneology information, contact information, personal descriptions and webpages, calendars, etc in a web interface. This system will use php and any database system and will provide various level of public and private access.
RunAsApproximator es un programa java multilenguaje que implementa algoritmos numéricos. Los datos de entrada son aquellos requeridos por cada algoritmo y los de salida son resultado final y los datos intermedios necesarios para alcanzar su resolución.
Isometric engine for 2D rendering with XNA and SDL
Isometric engine for 2D rendering.
Supported frameworks:
* easily extendable to other frameworks
* diamond maps of different width and height
* user defined tile size (via rendering metrics)
* supports 1 static tile + and any amount of movable elements per cell
* z-order display
* supports animated tiles
* supports zooming (ability to define tilesets for different rendering metrics and switch between them)
* supports multi-cell elements