Showing 60 open source projects for "qt-box-editor"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    Do Leetcode exercises in IDE

    Do Leetcode exercises in IDE, support and, to meet the basic needs of doing exercises.Support theoretically: IntelliJ IDEA PhpStorm WebStorm PyCharm RubyMine AppCode CLion GoLand DataGrip Rider MPS Android Studio. The login accounts of the two websites are not interoperable and the corresponding users need to be configured when switching websites. You can also refresh and load questions if you are not logged in, but you cannot submit it. Input the content and...
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  • 2


    High-performance JavaScript R-tree-based 2D spatial index

    RBush is a high-performance JavaScript library for 2D spatial indexing of points and rectangles. It's based on an optimized R-tree data structure with bulk insertion support. Spatial index is a special data structure for points and rectangles that allows you to perform queries like "all items within this bounding box" very efficiently (e.g. hundreds of times faster than looping over all items). It's most commonly used in maps and data visualizations. The demos contain visualization of trees...
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  • 3
    This is the official repository for the CUSTOMHyS-Qt software. CUSTOMHyS-Qt is a GUI for the CUSTOMHyS framework, which is an interactive tool for customysing heuristic-based algorithms. The CUSTOMHyS-Qt is written in Python and uses the PyQt5 library for the GUI. Further references about the backend can be found in the CUSTOMHyS repository.
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  • 4


    A C++ Active Shape Model Library from the University of Manchester

    A library and associated tools for building and searching with Active Shape Models (ASM). It builds on the VXL computer vision libraries. Includes a GUI tool to search new images with the ASM. Depends on: VXL, Qt (Version 4), UoMqVXL
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5


    Editor de Codigo para Python

    Es un editor de código ligero y fácil de usar, diseñado específicamente para la programación en Python. Su interfaz intuitiva permite a los usuarios, tanto principiantes como experimentados, escribir, editar y ejecutar código de manera eficiente.
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  • 6
    VS Code LeetCode

    VS Code LeetCode

    Solve LeetCode problems in VS Code

    ... description. Select Show Problem to directly open the file with the problem description. The extension supports 5 editor shortcuts (aka Code Lens). To manage your LeetCode sessions, just clicking the LeetCode: *** at the bottom of the status bar. You can switch between sessions or create, delete a session.
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  • 7


    Open-source electronics platform

    Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple I/O board and a development environment that implements the Processing/Wiring language. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to software on your computer (e.g. Flash, Processing and MaxMSP). The boards can be assembled by hand or purchased preassembled. Arduino is a popular tool for IoT product development as well as one of the most successful tools for STEM/STEAM education....
    Downloads: 106 This Week
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  • 8
    3D Box rotation

    3D Box rotation

    Simple example of draw and rotate 3D box

    Simple source .java file; .bat for fast re-compile and run; and pre-compiled .jar Java program with example from scratch writed in Notepad++ without Eclipse, etc., How to draw and rotate 3D box most simple way. Rotation speed regulated in simple Loop with 10 ms sleep. Use Java version 8 (OpenJDK 8, OracleJDK 8, OracleJRE 8, ..). Higher versions have an anti-aliasing error in the BufferedImage ( Windows 10 ).
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  • 9
    LibSEDML: Sharing Simulation Experiments
    This project hosts a library and tools for sharing simulation experiments encoded using SED-ML.
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  • Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg Icon
    Secure User Management, Made Simple | Frontegg

    Get 7,500 MAUs, 50 tenants, and 5 SSOs free – integrated into your app with just a few lines of code.

    Frontegg powers modern businesses with a user management platform that’s fast to deploy and built to scale. Embed SSO, multi-tenancy, and a customer-facing admin portal using robust SDKs and APIs – no complexity required. Designed for the Product-Led Growth era, it simplifies setup, secures your users, and frees your team to innovate. From startups to enterprises, Frontegg delivers enterprise-grade tools at zero cost to start. Kick off today.
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  • 10
    FastFlow: programming multi-core

    FastFlow: programming multi-core

    Pattern-based multi/many-core parallel programming framework

    FastFlow is a C/C++ programming framework supporting the development of pattern-based parallel programs on multi/many-core, GPUs and distributed platforms. FastFlow run-time is built upon non-blocking threads and lock-free queues. Thanks to its very efficient CAS-free communication/synchronization support (e.g. few clock cycles core-to-core latency), FastFlow effectively supports the exploitation of fine grain parallelism, e.g. parallel codes managing very high frequency streams on...
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  • 11


    A tool for finite state machine analysis and synthesis.

    glint is a tool facilitating you in development of state-oriented control entities which supposed to be used in very broad areas of programming (e.g. state-oriented network protocols). glint saves you from pondering how your finite state machine should be organized, how many states it should have and what they should mean. You just tell glint how you would like your control entity to operate and glint returns to you the synthesised magic black box which implements the desired logic. Also...
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  • 12
    TSP Solver and Generator

    TSP Solver and Generator

    Generate and solve Travelling Salesman Problem tasks

    TSPSG is intended to generate and solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) tasks. It uses Branch and Bound method for solving. An input is a number of cities and a matrix of city-to-city travel prices. The matrix can be populated with random values in a given range (useful for generating tasks). The result is an optimal route, its price, step-by-step matrices of solving and solving graph. The task can be saved in internal binary format and opened later. The result can be printed or saved as...
    Downloads: 3 This Week
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  • 13


    A Python module for learning all major algorithms

    A Python module to learn all the major algorithms on the go! Purely for educational purposes. If you are using Python 2.7 use pip instead. Depending on your permissions, you might need to use pip install, user pygorithm to install. To see all the available functions in a module, you can just type help() with the module name as an argument.
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  • 14


    MRS/NMR analysis software

    Analysis software for MRS/NMR data. Allows processing and fitting to be performed in a fully automatic workflow.
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  • 15


    object-based image analysis framework

    Wienert S, Heim D, Kotani M, Lindequist B, Stenzinger A, Ishii M, Hufnagl P, Beil M, Dietel M, Denkert C, Klauschen F. CognitionMaster: an object-based image analysis framework. Diagn Pathol 2013, 8:34
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    Path Finder Qt

    finds the sortest path on the square board. GUI is implemented in Qt.

    The program demonstrates the usage of the A* algorithm to find the shortest path. It searches the shortest path between source piece and target piece on the rectangular board. On the board the obstacles (wall) can be constructed. In addition to the algorithm, the GUI is provided. The GUI is written in Qt. Using the GUI, one can construct and move interactively the obstacles on the board. For every modification of the board, the shortest path is calculated automatically. Some statistics...
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  • 17
    CoRoPa stands for Computational Rough Paths. The aim of CoRoPa is to provide a software framework for various ideas related to Rough Path Theory, including rough differential equations and the digital description of serial data streams.
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  • 18


    Programm for test BinMatrix, a class for manage binary matrices.

    Programm for test BinMatrix, a class for manage binary matrices.
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  • 19


    recursive calculation of Bitreverse

    small QT Programm for Testing my recursive Algorithm for calculation the bitreverse of a single number in a series with Length: 2^X with X=Number of Bits
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  • 20


    Another encryption algorithm

    Pambaf is a new encryption algorithm for users or developers with extremely high demands for security.
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  • 21
    Flamingo Project

    Flamingo Project

    Workflow Designer, Hive Editor, Pig Editor, File System Browser

    Flamingo is a open-source Big Data Platform that combine a Ajax Rich Web Interface + Workflow Engine + Workflow Designer + MapReduce + Hive Editor + Pig Editor. 1. Easy Tool for big data 2. Use comfortable in Hadoop EcoSystem projects 3. Based GPL V3 License Supporting Pig IDE, Hive IDE, HDFS Browser, Scheduler, Hadoop Job Monitoring, Workflow Engine, Workflow Designer, MapReduce.
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  • 22


    Graph algorithms interpreter, IDE, debugger, 3D visualizations.

    Graphal is an interpreter of a programming language that is mainly oriented to graph algorithms. There is a command line interpreter and a graphical integrated development environment. The IDE contains text editor for programmers, compilation and script output, advanced debugger and visualization window. The progress of the interpreted and debugged graph algorithm can be displayed in 3D scene.
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  • 23


    2D physics engine and simulation

    Simulate 2D physics with my engine entirely made in JavaScript. Modify live existing scenarii or create your own from scratch with the live editor. Try it on the demo web site! :) Note : If you intend to download and use the sources as it is, you need to host it as scenario resquests are made in AJAX.
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  • 24


    Simple C++ library for path manipulation

    ... file systems, and thus doesn't know anything about symbolic links. Primarily designed for usage in a secure environment with known simple limitations. For example, for working with internal application resource paths referencing a "sandboxed" virtual filesystem (like with PhysicsFS). Platform-specific path support is mainly intended for tools (e.g. map editor) which need to share a common code base (and perhaps some hard-coded resources) with the main sandboxed application (e.g. game).
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    Open Artificial Intelligence Library

    [Open Artificial Intelligence Library]. This library main goal is to provide a tool box to those who want to use algorithm such as neural network or genetics Algorithm and all algorithms that are commonly within the Artificial Intelligence field.
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