Browse free open source AI Video Generators and projects for Linux below. Use the toggles on the left to filter open source AI Video Generators by OS, license, language, programming language, and project status.
Software tool that converts text to video for more engaging experience
Multimodal AI Story Teller, built with Stable Diffusion, GPT, etc.
Implementation of NWT, audio-to-video generation, in Pytorch
Implementation of Video Diffusion Models
AI-based tool for removing hardsubs and text-like watermarks
Implementation of Make-A-Video, new SOTA text to video generator
A walk along memory lane
CLIP + FFT/DWT/RGB = text to image/video
DCVGAN: Depth Conditional Video Generation, ICIP 2019.
Implementation of NÜWA, attention network for text to video synthesis
Implementation of Phenaki Video, which uses Mask GIT
Implementation of Recurrent Interface Network (RIN)