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Software Testing Platform | Testeum
Testeum is a Software Testing & User Test platform
Tired of bugs and poor UX going unnoticed despite thorough internal testing? Testeum is the SaaS crowdtesting platform that connects mobile and web app creators with carefully selected testers based on your criteria.
This project tries to fulfill the financial management needs of a Hellenic Local Authority Organization. Its purpose is to organize the accounting service of a Hellenic Local Authority Organization.
Double entry bookkeeping - Features: (1)-Accounts are always in balance. (2)-Visual setup for balance and income reports. (3)-Builtin backup and restore. (4)-Multiple companies or divisions. (5)-Consolidate reports through a mapping file.
FinanceJ is a Java personal finance application. A simple interface allows the user to track income/expenses vs budget. No accounting experience required. FinanceJ is designed to run on the eeePC's small screen size 800x600.
Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM
Voted Best CRM System with Top Ranked Customer Support. CRM Management includes Sales, Marketing, Relationship Management, and Help Desk.
C2CRM consists of four modules that integrate to provide a comprehensive CRM solution: Relationship Management, Sales Automation, Marketing Automation, and Customer Service. Only buy what each user needs.
The microMoney project aims to simplify financial management for people. It's based on the developer's personal opinion on how a pratical financial manager should be, without options you'll never use, or that can confuse you.
Gsys (pronounced "Jesus") aims to be a complete management system for Greek organizations (fraternity/sorority). It is coded from the perspective of a chapter treasurer with plans to address user management, financial, and PR concerns.
BudgetEx is a simple, portable, and no-frills budgeting and financial solution that runs out of Microsoft Office, Open Office, and Most any Office Productivity Suite that supports .xls files.
The PFM (Personal Finance Manager) is a financial organizer and planner which was developed with the idea that no human has the time or motivation to track each and every expense in their busy schedule.
A CRM and Sales Data Management Platform for Multi-Line Sales Teams
The CRM, sales reporting, and commission tracking tool uniquely tailored to the needs of manufacturers, sales reps, and distributors.
Repfabric is a customer relationship management (CRM) software designed specifically for multi-line sales teams (i.e. reps, distributors, wholesalers, dealers, and manufacturers). It streamlines and simplifies the sales process by providing deep integration with email, contacts, calendars, and deal tracking. The platform enables users to track commissions from CRM to sale, make updates directly from mobile devices, and document sales calls using voice-to-text features.
Pequeno programa que faz simulações de financiamento da CAIXA. Inclui taxas
de seguro MIP e DFI. Pode-se salvar os valores calculados. Desenvolvido para ambientes *nix e win*, utilizando Lazarus e Free Pascal 2.2.0.
ERP application, including point-of-sale (POS), stock (inventory/warehouse), purchase, payables, receivables, general ledger (accounting), payroll, human resource (HR), time tracking, project management. th-ERP is written in PHP and using MySQL
This is database backed web application for the management of investment clubs (a type of partnership.) The purpose is to do allow members of an investment club to manage members, monthly dues, voting, meeting minutes, track stock portfoltios and more.
Standard accounting software, designed specially for Polish co-opperative rental accounters. The goal is to make the simplest software, which can be allocated on pen-drive and run on any java supported system.
FreeWERM is a web-based application that can manage the HR side of any business. It stores attendance, payroll, personnel, and departmental data. It can also create Excel reports and PDF documents based on the information in its database.
ea-geier is a tool written in PHP intended to handle accounting on a cash bases for Austrian companies (Buchhaltung zur Einnahmen-Ausgaben-Rechnung). With modular accounts code and a multi-lingual design it is easily adjustable for other countries.
Punchout! is a simple and straightforward time clock system that allows an administrator to set up multiple clients each with their own pay rate. The user can then punch the Punch In! or Punch Out! button to track their hours and pay.
La idea es hacer un sistema de contabilidad que permita la generación estados contables (balances, diarios, asientos, mayores), debe permitir ademas guardar informacion sobre los clientes y ser totalmente portable.
phpOrganisation is a web-based accounting and business process application. It includes contact management, client info (CRM), partner info, accounts, project and contract management.
MyPhpMoney is a tool written in PHP to manage bank accounts thru a web interface. It uses mysql to store data and relies on PHPLIB (template, session and database abstraction).