A tic tac toe game that can be played at 3 difficulty levels
Delphi : VRCalc++ OOSL & + (Paged List, TextEditor, VRAstroVision ...)
Delphi Java - VRCalc++ OOSL (Script) and + (Binary Exec Distro)
Dooz or Tic-tac-toe is a simple pen-and-paper game
Python Touchscreen App Infrastructure with example Apps
Random crosses-circles (tic-tac-toe).
Classic 3x3 grid game; X vs. O. Get 3 in any diagonal to win.
It's a game that offers six different 2d games.
A Simple Lightweight and opensource tic tac toe game for android
Tic Tac Toe or X and 0
This is a tic tac toe game where a player needs to try to win.
OpenTicTacToeX is a Tic Tac Toe game, open source
Tic Tac Toe Game
A simple TIC-TAC-toe game
Quantum universal object system with referencing and genetics
Console grill game
3D (4x4x4) tic-tac-toe
Tic Tac Toe is also known as Kaata Zero
First little SFML Game, made with C++
Veera Tic Tac Toe game