Security-first diagramming for teams
Entity Relation Diagrams generation tool
JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering
ioDraw is a free online drawing software
free DB GUI Tool
Create consistent Uml diagrams
MDG for Sparx' Enterprise Architect to Create TRAK arch. descriptions
Database ERD- design tool with Reverse Engineering
IDE Tool, PlSql Editor for Oracle, Mysql, MsSql, PostgreSQL, SqLite
Database administration,view,edit,migrate,entity relationship diagram
A modern note taking app based on GIT
FTD means Formatted Text based Diagram for genome; er means software.
A generic modeling tool for both relational and geographical databases
A python plugin to generate SQLite CREATE scripts on MySQL Workbench
Business graphics diagramming application + customizable shape lib.
RCourse - a robustness benchmarking suite for publish/subscribe