Flags-first package for configuration
In-depth attack surface mapping and asset discovery
Vulnerable app with examples showing how to not use secrets
Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
The SpotBugs plugin for security audits of Java web applications
Manual for mobile app security development and testing
Manual for mobile app security testing and reverse engineering
Free admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 4
The OWASP ZAP core project
Fast golang HTML sanitizer (inspired by the OWASP Java HTML Sanitizer
OWASP Coraza WAF is a golang modsecurity compatible firewall library
Scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries
SonarSource Static Analyzer for Java Code Quality and Security
The OWASP MASVS (Mobile Application Security Verification Standard)
The monorepo home to all of the FormatJS related libraries
Code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover security risks
HTTP Session Management for Go
Autocompleted resources like images, fonts & segues in Swift projects
Probably the most modern and sophisticated insecure web application
Handy, High performance, ModSecurity compatible Nginx firewall module
Deep learning PyTorch library for time series forecasting
Code security review tool for C/C++, C#, VB, PHP, Java, PL/SQL, COBOL.
A DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server
Vulnerable Web Apps virtual appliance to learn application security.
JUL Designer - a RAD tool for JavaScript