TLS/SSL and crypto library
A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices
Win32 port of OpenSSH
PHP secure communications library
A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
Self-hosted crypto trading bot, automated high frequency market
Desktop sync client for Nextcloud
An embedded web server
OpenSSL Portable for Windows 32-bit and Android
All-in-one solution for high performance web content delivery
The Laravel Lumen Framework
Repository of the AWS SDK for PHP
Detects usage of unsafe Rust in a Rust crate and its dependencies
A CLI tool to extract server certificates
BitShares Blockchain implementation and command-line interface
A flexible distributed key-value datastore
Capturing SSL/TLS plaintext without a CA certificate using eBPF
Drill is an HTTP load testing application written in Rust
Drogon: A C++14/17/20 based HTTP web application framework
A simple, secure, and scalable PHP application framework
Amazon SNS message validation for PHP
A spec compliant, secure by default
A Ruby/Rack web server built for concurrency
A distribution of Nginx with some advanced features
A stable and secure tunnel based on KCP with N:M multiplexing and FEC