Modular standard library for JavaScript
Arduino core for the ESP32
A framework for building web apps and services with .NET and C#
Dogecoin is a community-driven cryptocurrency
The keyboard and mouse sharing tool
iText for .NET is the .NET version of the iText library
Professional collaborative platform for embedded development
React components for faster and easier web development
ESP8266 core for Arduino
STM32 core support for Arduino
A free and open source framework for building powerful 2D and 3D apps
Open-source modular and multi-tenant application framework
Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework
BitShares Blockchain implementation and command-line interface
Open Source Fan-Based EverQuest Emulator Server project
Stream Processing and Complex Event Processing Engine
Core database component for the Realm Mobile Database SDKs
A core Pluggable framework based on koa
Core part of Jackson that defines Streaming API
The Node.js Framework highly focused on developer ergonomics
An MLOps framework to package, deploy, monitor and manage models
Bash automated testing system
Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing
Examples, server integrations for generating Swagger API Specification
Object-database mapper for .NET