Climate science package for Julia
Free & Open Community Edition Server in a Complete Virtual Machine
Convert fixed-format RPG code to free-form RPGILE code
Software for molecular simulations and trajectory analysis
With an Automated Service Installer for Windows 32/64 Bit Versions
Search recursively all files, text inside files, and bookmarks
Tasks, Guides, Scripts, Collaborations, Knowledge Bases, Tech Supports
This Django User Model is customised user model
Free and open-source interactive source explorer
Program to Transfer Files
No-factor-base (NFB) sub-exponential factorization algorithm
Show the prime numbers in the form of the Sieve of Eratosthenes
CUDA library for continuous optimization and light field analysis
Nitesh Nepali Dictionary is a small offline application that translate
Klusters, NeuroScope and NDManager
Interactive program to calculate electronic properties in graphene
A cross platform front-end GUI of the popular youtube-dl
Implementation of the GNFS for discrete logarithm problem in GF(p)
Software for managing Admissions, Withdrawals, Marks in Monastic Inst.
For processing and/or simulating species assemblage data.
A fast prime number generator based on the Sieve of Eratosthenes
A basic prime number sieve/tester.
Another C# MARC Record implementation