Showing 78 open source projects for "excel compare macro"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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  • 1


    Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB

    Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application. DbGate is a cross-platform database manager. It's designed to be simple to use and effective when working with more databases simultaneously. But there are also many advanced features like schema compare, visual query designer, chart visualization or batch export and import. Mongo JavaScript editor, execute Mongo script (with NodeJs syntax). Redis tree view...
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  • 2
    Animation Compression Library

    Animation Compression Library

    Animation Compression Library

    Animation compression is a fundamental aspect of modern video game engines. Not only is it important to keep the memory footprint down but it is also critical to keep the animation clip sampling performance fast. The more memory an animation clip consumes, the slower it will be to sample it and extract a character pose at runtime. For these reasons, any game that attempts to push the boundaries of what the hardware can achieve will at some point need to implement some form of animation...
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  • 3
    Spreadsheet Compare

    Spreadsheet Compare

    Performs a cell-by-cell comparison of Excel Worksheets.

    Spreadsheet Compare (Excel compare) is a Microsoft Excel Add-In, written in VBA, that performs a cell-by-cell comparison of Worksheets within the same or different Workbooks. Requires Excel 2000 or later. Check out the Home Page for more info!
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  • 4
    sq data wrangler

    sq data wrangler

    sq data wrangler

    sq is a command line tool that provides jq-style access to structured data sources: SQL databases, or document formats like CSV or Excel. sq executes jq-like queries, or database-native SQL. It can join across sources: join a CSV file to a Postgres table, or MySQL with Excel. sq outputs to a multitude of formats including JSON, Excel, CSV, HTML, Markdown and XML, and can insert query results directly to a SQL database. sq can also inspect sources to view metadata about the source structure...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

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    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5
    Accouting Excel

    Accouting Excel is a MS Excel VBA Software of Financial Accounting

    Any password you may use. Accounting Excel is a MS Excel Vba free open source software awarded as Rising Star Software by First change Windows System date in dd-mm-yyyy foramat. Autofill option is included in Account Description .To any person obtaining a copy and associated documentation files (the ""). Trading Account in included. Go to excel option then advance option then trust Centre setting then enable macro settings. User can delete previous data...
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  • 6
    Excel - NSE Stock Option Chain

    Excel - NSE Stock Option Chain

    Fetch the live NSE Stock Option Chain data in Excel

    Useful Excel sheet for Stock Option Traders. This Excel sheet can fetch the Live NSE Option Chain Data for Stocks. Fetch the live Stock Option Chain data such as Open Interest and Price at differentStrike prices, specifically few Strike Price ranges near to ATM in Excel sheet. It can be used to compare and analyze Open Interest and Price Changes at different Strike Prices. This Excel sheet collects the following data at a given Strike Price, for both Calls (CE) and Puts (PE...
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  • 7

    Compare Backup Drive Hashes

    A spreadsheet to aid in detecting ransomware-corrupted files

    This project offers an Excel spreadsheet, available for download through the Files tab (above). The spreadsheet allows the user to compare two sets of file hashes, such as the hashes for files on two different data drives. The spreadsheet's Instructions tab provides step-by-step guidance through that comparison process. The purpose of the file hash comparison is to identify files whose contents have changed. For example, the files on an up-to-date data drive may be compared against...
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  • 8
    Swiss File Knife

    Swiss File Knife

    One hundred command line tools in a small and portable binary.

    Create zip files, extract zip files, replace text in files, search in files using expressions, stream text editor, instant command line ftp and http server, send folder via network, copy folder excluding sub folders and files, find duplicate files, run a command on all files of a folder, split and join large files, make md5 checksum lists of files, remove tab characters, convert CR/LF, list newest or biggest files of a folder, compare folders, treesize, show first or last lines of a file, find...
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  • 9


    Excel genealogy sprdsht w/ macro for converting data to GEDCOM format.

    Excel2GED is an Excel spreadsheet with a macro for converting genealogy data into a GEDCOM-formatted text file with a '.ged' file extension. A GEDCOM file is generated by clicking the VBA-coded macro buttons 'Export' or 'Export to GEDCOM' after creating & selecting a recipient folder. That file can then be imported into a genealogy program, with family relationships already defined, BMD data included, and source notes attached. Output has been validated to conform to GEDCOM 5.5.1...
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  • 10


    SchoolMag is a free and opensource ANY PASSWORD CAN OPEN IT

    SchoolMag is a free and opensource msexcel vba standard software for management of school. ANY PASSWORD CAN OPEN IT. Create a folder SchoolMaG1.4 in c drive of your pc and there extract the file First go to excel option Trust Centre, trust centre setting, macro setting and opt for enable macro, then go to ActiveX setting and opt for enable control without restriction and then click on ok. First click on Profile View and Set to set particulars such as name, address...
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  • 11

    Schedule Creator

    Microsoft Excel macro workbook that creates monthy calendar schedules

    This Microsoft Excel macro enabled workbook assists you in creating a schedule for your retail store. Click on a button and enter the month and year that you wish to create a calendar schedule for. The macros will create a calendar that allows you to select your configured staff from a list, enter the hours, and then automatically sum the hours for each day, week, and for the entire month. The staff can also be color coded, applied by macro.
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  • 12


    SQL Server Helping Application For Developers

    The below tools are available in this single application. 1.SQL Compare: Compare and sync SQL Server schemas. 2.SQL Data Compare: Compare and sync SQL Server data. 3.Folder to SQL Compare: Compare folder contents with SQL Server. 4.SQL Trace/sql Profiler: Capture and analyze SQL Server events it's support azure also. 5.SQL Table Documents: Document SQL Server table schemas. 6.SQL Data Export: Export SQL data to various formats. 7.Excel to SQL Move: Import Excel data...
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  • 13


    A Fortran code for design and analysis of ring-stiffened shells

    ... Instability (EGI and IGI). • Ring-Frame Elastic Instability analysis (EFI). Solutions compare favorably with DTMB experimental results. DAPS4e’s IO is managed through a Visual Basic user form. Pre/post processing is done using linked macro-enabled Excel workbooks. The file includes: • DAPS4e.5 executable and Fortran 77/95 source code. • Visual Basic user form and its 2017 Visual Studio project code. • Excel spreadsheet pre/post processors. • Technical documentation
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  • 14

    Tibetan Unicode Keyboard

    Screen keyboards in MS Excel and in Java for typing Tibetan characters

    A Tibetan character is formed by stacking the middle (core) character with lower character stack(s) and upper stack. The tools in this package has been tested to work well in Windows 10 and above. The Java version of this package should work across different systems. The MS Excel version does not work on Excel operating in MacOS. The Excel version uses Excel macros and VBA codes. One needs to Enable Macro to allow it to work. The motivation for this project is due to old proprietary...
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  • 15

    Thick-Wall Composite PV

    Stress-Strain analysis of thick-wall composite cylindrical PV

    TWOPV.xlsm is a macro enabled Excel workbook for calculating stress and strain in a thick-wall cylindrical pressure vessel under external hydrostatic pressure. Vessel walls are a special case orthogonal composite laminate having a 2:1 ratio of circumferential to longitudinal oriented laminae. Inputs are: 1) unidirectional composite (UDC) properties, 2) cylinder radii and 3) pressure. Documentation and examples are included.
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  • 16
    GrainSizeTools script

    GrainSizeTools script

    A Python script for estimating the grain size from thin sections

    Homepage & docs: GrainSizeTools is a free, open-source, cross-platform script written in Python that provides several tools for (1) estimating average grain size in polycrystalline materials, (2) characterizing the nature of the distribution of grain sizes (either from apparent distributions or approximating 3D grain size distributions via stereology), and estimating differential stress via paleopizometers. The script requires as the input the...
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  • 17

    Ship, Tow-Tether and Moonpool Models

    Linked Excel workbooks for preliminary study of the title systems

    The file “Ship, Tow-Tether and Moonpool” is a collection of linked macro-enabled Excel workbooks suitable for conceptual to preliminary design of the title systems. The file “Block Diagram.pdf” shows linkages and summarizes each workbooks’ major features. FD and TD at the end of a file name denotes frequency domain and time domain solutions, respectively. Except for the moonpool TD model, which is a solution to the nonlinear equations of motion for the moonpool piston mode, TD...
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  • 18

    Simple Cylindrical Pressure Vessels

    Excel workbooks suitable for preliminary design and analysis

    SCPV is a family of three macro enabled Excel workbooks for analysis of long cylindrical pressure vessels with flat endcaps subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. CPVanalysis.xlsm does stress and stability analyses. It plots stresses, deflections and the equilibrium path for imperfect circular cylinders showing the onset of yielding and limit points in relation to elastic and inelastic bifurcation buckling pressures. Two types of initial geometric imperfections, outer diameter out...
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  • 19

    Layered-Wall Cylindrical Pressure Vessel

    An Excel workbook suitable for preliminary design and analysis includes: 1. A macro enabled Excel workbook (LWCPV.xlsm) for preliminary design and analysis of long cylindrical, layered-wall pressure vessels (PVs) subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. The following four types of layered-wall construction are addressed: a. Two-layer isotropic. b. Three-layer isotropic sandwich-wall; and c. Three-layer sandwich-wall with orthotropic outer layers and isotropic...
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  • 20

    Compare File Lists

    A spreadsheet that compares file lists from different drives

    This project offers Excel spreadsheet, available for download through the Files tab (above). The spreadsheets allow the user to compare sets of file hashes, such as the hashes for files on different data drives or different operating systems. One spreadsheet is oriented toward comparison; the other is a single-tab tool for merging two lists. Please post questions and comments on the Discussion tab (above).
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  • 21

    Flashcards - Good Plus Fast

    Use Excel to create categorized flashcards and track your progress.

    Use this macro-enabled Excel template to create flashcards with categories and hints. Track your progress with metrics within each category, session, term/definition, and in total.
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  • 22

    Stress-Strain Curve

    Aids for creating and scaling Stress-Strain Curves

    S-S includes: 1. A macro enabled Excel workbook (S-S Curve Helper.xlsm) for creating a Stress-Strain curve using the Ramberg-Osgood formula and commonly available material properties. Combinations of tensile or compressive and engineering or true forms can be selected. 2. A procedure for Stress-Strain curve scaling. 3. A formula for plastic Poison’s Ratio between the proportional limit and fully plastic condition.
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  • 23
    Alfi Face

    Alfi Face

    Face Recognition based Attendance System for school, college...

    ALFI FACE uses facial recognition technology to record the attendance through a digital camera that detects and recognizes faces and compare the faces with students’ faces images stored in faces database. Once the recognized face matches a stored image, attendance is marked in attendance database for that person. Note: While adding a new student you have to click on" Train the Recognizer" button . In excel sheet dates are "#" so that no one can change the dates.
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  • 24


    X-Ray Imaging Software for Multiple Samples

    ... the software v2.4.2 introduces Image Viewer to Mosaic v2.4.1 fixes an issue in merging H5 or EDF datasets with Mosaic Full changelog at X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging Software for Multiple Samples is an open source software to manipulate and study macro-X-Ray Fluorescence (MA-XRF) datasets. XISMuS also works as a sample management tool, where you can easily change between datasets (samples) and compare, cross-interact and normalize them.
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  • 25

    Plastic Bending Modulus

    A macro enabled Excel workbook for estimating plastic bending modulus.

    Bending Modulus.xlsm is a macro enabled Excel workbook for estimating plastic bending modulus. Inputs are tensile yield and ultimate strengths and section factor.
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