The Compute Library is a set of computer vision and machine learning
Jittor is a high-performance deep learning framework
Echoes is a radio spectral analysis software for SDR devices
The Ultimate Audio Recording Studio for Linux
Improved ExtIO_RTLTCP.dll for Linux (and Windows)
Strobe Tuner for Windows
USB to I2C interface using FTDI FT2232H and SiliconLabs Si4730
Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 8Gb image, running rtl-sdr
The Complete Linux Desktop for All
The Ultimate Open Source OSX Alternative Base System
OS X Alternative that installs on most new or old computers
Decoding of OOK signals transmitted by a weather sensor on 433,82 Mhz
Emulator DVR with loop recording with IP cameras
Mac OSX Style Linux Desktop with Webmin managed Server
mintyMac 64 bit xfce4 Linux Live is a fast Linux OS great for netbooks
mintyMac 64 bit OS with Xfce4, Gnome,and E17
OSX feel from xfce4.10, MDM, New Driver Manager, Whisker Menu, Docky
OSX feel from xfce4.10, MDM, Whisker Menu, Docky, ETC.
Handheld device with Atmel AVR ATmega series microcontroller.
Odroid Software
Maestro is a Rethought Virtual Metronome
9-Octave Chromatic Tuner
Software driver for trialtuner dm800se