AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio, a plugin to interact with AWS
The Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) build platform for .NET and VS
binary releases of VS Code without MS branding/telemetry/licensing
C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
Generated headers and sources for OpenXR loader
Julia extension for Visual Studio Code
A Git/TFS bridge, similar to git-svn
Free and open source voxel art tools - editor, thumbnailer and format
Quickly and easily develop WeChat full-platform applications
Vulnerability Patterns Detector for C# and VB.NET
Print and Report Control Source Codes for C/C++, .net
DNP3 Source code Library for Windows and simulator
power system configuration and simulation, c/c++ and .NET
Free minimalist software for maps, import DWG, DXF, SHP, KML, GeoJSON
Cmajor is an experimental programming language.
Fix Update context issues of Microsoft Help Viewer v2.x
Build cross platform HTML desktop apps on .NET
MonaServer Windows 32 Binary
cool Q with the ability to receive events and call APIs
A .NET(C#) port of the Zint C library
App to automatically launch the correct version of Visual Studio
Linux for Arduino and Makers developers
Help teach C# and access database project development
Visual Studio .vc[x]proj to CMakeLists.txt (make, Ninja ...) enabler