Perform a drag'n'drop of file handler given full file path as text.
VHDL Plugin for the Notepad++ Editor
A basic text editor program like Notepad.
A notepad replacement aimed at developers
Converts data from zoombrowser into jpg meta data
3D interface to your computer.
Jxt4RunPlusJ is a source code editor and creator.
An OS-Like Software by Jacob Siehl.
Notepad++ automatic tags closing and live display
A simple copy paste buffer designed for one-click usage.
Basic C# notepad used for desktop programming
Fast Launch Your Apps using Fuzy syntax. Fast translate, Fast google
The simple notepad
A complete windows 7 styled mintyMac xfce desktop with wine 1.7.22
A collection of Windows Explorer shell extensions for text editors.
Write Report,Read Multiple Notepad,pdf,Word,Design Logo and picture
Tekla IFC Tagger
Simple everyday text editor
a software like J.A.R.V.I.S!!
Notepad++ plugin css editor
Create encrypted plain text files
Notepad++ Concurrent Editing Detection and Overwriting Pevention