Search Results for "finite element method" - Page 8

Showing 257 open source projects for "finite element method"

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  • 1
    Provide a reference implementation of Moving Taylor Bayesian Regression, a method for nonparametric multi-dimensional function estimation with correlated errors from finite samples, as a Python package based on SciPy
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  • 2
    Finite Element Pre and Post Processing Tool
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  • 3
    The OpenFEZ project aims to provide software development kit needed for the creation of finite element software. It is written in object oriented Fortran 2003, and developed as part of a lecture held at the Institute for Statics and Dynamics of Aerospace Structures at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. The main purpose of this code is to allow students to develop a better understanding of the mathematical and numerical theories behind modern finite element codes. It is published under...
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  • 4

    Fast Solver for Potential and LFFFs

    This is a fast solver for global potential field in the Solar Corona

    This is a fast solver for computing the potential and linear force-free field (LFFF) above the full photosphere with the line-of-sight synoptic magnetogram as input. The global potential field and the LFFF are dealt with in an unified way by solving a three-dimensional Helmholtz equation in spherical shell and a two-dimensional Poisson equation on the photosphere. The solver is based on a combination of the spectral method and the finite-difference scheme. In longitude direction...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

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  • 5


    A collection of lecture notes and accompanying code on micromechanics

    ... and estimates as well as in the generation of digital and particulate microstructures. The Fortran codes are based on the finite element method in linear and nonlinear settings, the latter capable of finite deformations with damage. The underlying theory is outlined in the lecture notes. -- İlker Temizer Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Bilkent University 06800 Bilkent, Ankara Turkey
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  • 6

    MEPCM Package

    This is a package for multi-element probabilistic collocation method.

    The Multi-Element Probabilistic Collocation Method Package (MEPCMP) is a C++ package which can generate high dimensional, multi-element collocation points based on arbitrary probability density function for the application of Multi-Element Probabilistic Collocation Method (MEPCM). This package can generate high-dimensional stochastic collocation points based on tensor product rule, non-nested sparse grids method or anchored-ANOVA method. It can also be used for the multi-element probabilistic...
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  • 7


    A tutorial Galerkin meshfree code

    Meshfree or meshless methods were born to replace the traditional finite element in applications where meshing a complex geometry and/or excessive remeshing is involved. This code, written by Vinh Phu Nguyen, implements one and two dimensional Element Free Galerkin (EFG) method which is one of the most common meshfree methods for elasticity. It also implements Partition of Unity based enrichment for weak and strong discontinuities. The method and the implementation are described...
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  • 8

    Extensible Cochlear Modelling Framework

    Software to simulate the cochlea

    A library that extends the finite element library deal.II (written in C++, see by providing classes and methods to support the design of numerical cochlear models.
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  • 9


    XFEM implementation in MATLAB

    The extended finite element method (XFEM) classified, one of the partition of unity method (PUM), allows discontinuities to be simulated independently of the mesh. This is possible by adding appropriate functions to the FE approximation basis, for example, the Heaviside function. The discontinuities can evolve in time, without a need for a conforming mesh. A MATLAB implementation of the XFEM written by VP Nguyen, is given here. The interaction of cracks and crack-inclusion interaction...
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

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  • 10

    Isogeometric FEM with matlab

    Matlab code for conducting isogeometric analysis using NURBS

    ... the eXtended Finite Element Method framework where the basis functions can be "enriched" to capture discontinuities or sharp gradients in the solution.
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  • 11

    SpringMassAir Phsyics Engine

    FEA Physics engine. Springs, masses, collision and air resistance

    Finite Element Physics engine that simulates springs, masses, collision and air resistance, using SI units in order to be to scale with reality.
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  • 12


    2D Finite Element Analysis for Acoustics

    Wavefront is a programme for simulating 2D acoustic systems, with a particular emphasis on determining wavefront shapes at the mouths of horns. It accepts CAD drawings in DXF format and produces animated displays of wave propagation as well as exporting various data as text files. It is GPL software and runns on Linux and Windows.
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  • 13


    LIME is a software tool for creating multiphysics simulation codes.

    The Lightweight Integrating Multiphysics Environment for coupling codes (LIME) is a small software package for creating multiphysics simulation codes. LIME is intended to be especially useful when separate computer codes (which may be written in any standard computer language) already exist to solve di fferent parts of a multiphysics problem. LIME provides the key high-level software (written in C++), a well defi ned approach (with example templates), and interface requirements to enable the...
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  • 14


    A finite element data exchange system

    FEDES is a Finite Element Data Exchange System for mapping finite element analysis data between different FE solvers and meshes with different element types and densities. Six commercial FE solvers are supported (ABAQUS, ANSYS, DEFORM, MARC, MORFEO, VULCAN). The FEA data outputted can be visualized with the open source program ParaView.
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  • 15
    Electromagnetic cloaking

    Electromagnetic cloaking

    This Matlab code simulates the electromagnetic cloaking

    This Matlab code with the finite element method based Partial Differential Equation Toolbox calculates and simulates the electromagnetic field, when a scatterer (copper) object is cloaked with transformation optics designed metamaterial. This electromagnetic cloaking effect can be studied and demonstrated with this program. The code includes two source type (finite length line source and point source), and two sets of metamaterial parameters (exact and reduced metamaterial parameters). You can...
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  • 16


    A finite element solver using state-of-the-art programming techniques.

    ViennaFEM is a library-centric implementation of the finite element method in C++. It features a symbolic math kernel, which manipulates the strong or weak form of the problem and automatically derives the discrete form. ViennaFEM is built on top of the following libraries: ViennaMath provides the symbolic math kernel, ViennaGrid (with ViennaData) allows for a generic grid handling and quantity storage, while ViennaCL provides the linear solvers and GPU acceleration.
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  • 17


    A symbolic math kernel in C++

    ViennaMath provides a symbolic math kernel which can be used either for compile-time processing, or for run-time evaluation. Unlike other symbolic math implementations, ViennaMath aims at providing a fast math layer for use with numerical methods such as the finite element method (cf. ViennaFEM)
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  • 18


    FIR filter design tool

    firStudio is a versatile tool for the design of Finite Imp[ulse Response (FIR) filters based on windowing methods and the equiripple Park-McClellan method. Features: Design of an FIR filter based on the windowed method (using rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, triangular, Kaiser-Bessel, Dolph-Chebychev and Blackman-Harris window functions) and the equiripple Park-McClellan method. Filter length can either be specified or estimated based on filter parameters. Design of low...
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  • 19
    WDSolve is a black box solver for nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations. WDSolve is based on the Wave Digital method, leading to explicit finite difference schemes with superior stability properties.
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  • 20
    FieldML consists of a serialisation format and an API and an implementation of the API. It focuses on representing finite element meshes, and fields on meshes. Based on the already successful format used by CMISS (
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  • 21
    The Virtual Geoscience Workbench for discontinuous systems is a computer software environment for modelling. We have made the combined Finite-Discrete Element Method (FEMDEM) the core of our solids technology.
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  • 22
    This is a program for numerical solution of Euler equations of compressible flows using discontinuous galerkin method. The code is written on top of the deal.II finite element library. Code has been moved to
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  • 23
    Sempy is a Python package for the solution of partial differential equations using the spectral element method.
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    Biomecanica Computacional U-America
    Investigacion de diseño avanzado en biomecanica computacional con elementos finitos usando herramientas de software-libre.
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  • 25
    Traglast is a free finite-element-solver ( also known as FEM for finite element method) for linear static 2D problem. It provides also an algorithm to calculate boundary plastic loads of steal structures. Traglast supports a simple GUI.
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