Super stable Cinnamon Desktop based on Debian Buster
Free Screenshot Tool
A native HTML4 / HTML5 Remote Desktop Protocol client
Android orm, bitmap, http, view inject
A Batch Image Conversion Program
TNCLinux-2021.2-x64 3D CompizFusion Kernel 5.10.18
The ultimate desktop operating system for a Raspberry PI 4 and 400
Project to create gimp script for disintegration effect
A Loaded Recording Studio Out of the box
Ready to go Professional Multitrack Recording by MixBus on MATE
The Lightweight Compiz Standalone DE
Color converter, screen color picker and color palettes for Windows
Extra OpenFX plugins for Natron/Nuke/Resolve
Loaded MATE desktop + KODI + Web Server + Web Cam Surveillance
MATE (OS X Styled) & Cinnamon (WindowsXP Styled) together in harmony
Image Converter - Back2d
Ninja OS - Live Operating System
Ubuntu Based Virtual Server using noVNC to serve Gimp.
Video/audio converter/transcoder/player in File Explorer mouse menu
Ubuntu Unity 20.04 LTS
Open Source graphic tool and alternative to Insane Bump
LuninuxOS is a Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distribution.
Musa is a linux distro for music and graphic arts production OS