Cheat sheet for Google Cloud developers
School Management System for Schools in Southern Africa
An Android app to help people with Down Syndrome in their literacy
Children's learning programming language Karel the Robot in 3D
Summary of Android learning knowledge points Jetpack
High-precision indoor positioning framework, version 3
Illumine helps you simplify administration and improve planning.
Easily craft fast Neural Networks on iOS
Standards Compliant Learning Management System
Allows anyone to create a VR or AR website for free!
JVM Bullet Physics SDK
Solution for iOS Application module programs
Caffe, a fast open framework for deep learning
Machine learning, computer vision, statistics and computing for .NET
[we moved to github! see link]
Dynamic Generalized Relevance Learning Vector Quantization
Caffe2 is a lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework
Minimal API for games or graphical apps written for Mobile C compiler
Learn Bash Shell Scripting in a Minute using this Collection of Script
A project that highly compresses android sources and uploads them here
Applied Machine Learning
A multilingual Parallel Arabic DIalectal Corpus
Horizon is a realtime, open-source backend for JavaScript apps
This is an implementation of a machine learning library in C++17