Scripts that read and process PHIPS data
Beautiful, customizable and easy-to-use material design navigation
High-speed element dimension/media queries in valid css
A continuation of the popular Artemis ECS framework
The JuliaFEM software library is a framework
Side scrolling shoot'em up game
Parallel coupled multiphysics simulation application
a very quick and dirty yahtzee game coded with fltk lib using fluid
A lightweight and flexible Sass grid
lite drafting and physics platform. c++ and script based.
A library for polyhedral mesh generation
Cross platform Virtual Reality authoring and playback
Dart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs
Sass port of Bootstrap 2 and 3
Create fluid and interactive gradient animations
Sequence of Jupyter notebooks featuring the 12 Steps to Navier-Stokes
Advanced Simulation & Visualization of 2D dynamical systems
"cdview" is a visualization soft for molecular simulation
an internal tide generation GUI (in Matlab)
Fluid flow and heat transfer simulations in MATLAB®