Quoter - The Console Based Stock Quote Tool
Analyze a public company financials
Software for small organisations like clubs.
Get the new release!
Insurance company management software
Manage Your Deposits, Get exepected income in each financial year.
Aplikasi untuk koperasi TNI AU
A simple Java application to administrate item stock in your shop
Company administration manager
ORBIT : Operating Business Intelligence Tool
Real Time Slideshow Crypto Price Ticker For Raspberry Pi LCD Screens
The first Open-Source high-performance MTA for high-volume senders
Rapid Business Information Organizer
OpenDDS is open source publish/subscribe middleware
Kraft helps to handle daily quotes and invoices in your small business
Linux app to support journaling of option trades on ThinkOrSwim
Opensource Enterprise Grade Restaurant POS
Library Advanced Financial Mathematics GCC (C++)
A free, open-source, and cross-platform big data analytics framework
Small Business Appliance
easy to use, powerful and completely free document management software