Client library for using AWS IoT Jobs service on embedded devices
Client library for using AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning service
C++ implementation of the Google logging module
Client library for using AWS IoT Defender service on embedded devices
Parallel OS, with GUI, Terminal, OO Assembler, Class libraries
Linq to database provider
A flight software and embedded systems framework
GoNB, a Go Notebook Kernel for Jupyter
Enabling PyTorch on Google TPU
Client library for using AWS IoT Shadow service on embedded devices
A lightweight JIT compiler based on MIR
A POSIX-compliant AWK interpreter written in Go, with CSV support
Your favorite language gets closer to bare metal
Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
A cross-platform, open-source, pure C game engine for mobile game
Real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR
XPL to C translator
C++ MinGW Compiler for VS Code
Ox is an attribute-grammar evaluator generator.
A Forth compiler with a little difference
A powerful, lighweight and cross-platform C/C++ IDE
Translates state machine into a target programming language.
A Lua module to work with Google protobuf