Open-source RTOS and Embedded Systems Toolkit for C++ and C
C++ Math Expression Parser Library
Walt is a JavaScript-like syntax for WebAssembly text format
Keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and ARM controllers
program avr microcontroller using fortran77 syntax
EtherCard is an IPv4 driver for the ENC28J60 chip
A Java VM for ARDUINO and other micros using the leJOS runtime.
Self-contained tool for compiling and uploading Arduino sketches
A truly simple cooperative RTOS for bare-metal embedded applications
PRTOS is a simple, compact preemptive RTOS for embedded systems
A domain specific language to express machine learning workloads
AM/PM Digital Reminder (Pets, Pills, etc.)
A Windows based GUI for popular avrdude command line utility
Mulithreading Arduno library
Do you want to implement your new program analysis quicky? Use bugst!
openVm : Tookit for Implementing (and exploring) Languages
Cross Audio-Visual Recognition using 3D Architectures
A process-oriented language for AVR microcontrollers
Yet another (small) Modbus Server implementation for the avr
Build Clang On Windows
Alles rund um den neuen interaktiven Schaukasten vor H.310