Showing 33331 open source projects for "file::rsyncp"

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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • The next chapter in business mental wellness Icon
    The next chapter in business mental wellness

    Entrust your employee well-being to Calmerry's nationwide network of licensed mental health professionals.

    Calmerry is beneficial for businesses of all sizes, particularly those in high-stress industries, organizations with remote teams, and HR departments seeking to improve employee well-being and productivity
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  • 1
    Adonis Core

    Adonis Core

    The Node.js Framework highly focused on developer ergonomics

    ...-class citizens in AdonisJS. They help you remove the inline route handlers to dedicated controller files. Along with the standard body parser, the support for managing file uploads is baked into the framework core. The schema-based validator of AdonisJS provides you with both runtime validations and static type safety. Create traditional style server-rendered web apps using home-grown template engine of AdonisJS.
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  • 2


    Open-source web platform used to create live reporting dashboards

    Chartbrew is an open-source web application that can connect directly to databases and APIs and use the data to create beautiful charts. It features a chart builder, editable dashboards, embeddable charts, query & requests editor, and team capabilities. It is recommended you head over to the more detailed documentation to find out how to set up Chartbrew. The CLI tool creates a chartbrew/.env file which you can configure at any time if you want to change the database, API & client host, etc...
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  • 3


    Ethermint is a Cosmos SDK library for running scalable EVM chains

    ... on Ethermint so that Ethereum keys and signing would all be compatible. Since the Cosmos-SDK’s keyring doesn’t explicitly support locking and unlocking of keys the way Ethereum does, a workaround had to be implemented. Unlocking a key is done by exporting it from the Cosmos keyring via decrypting the file and storing it in memory. Locking the key deletes it from memory, leaving it only as an encrypted file on-disk.
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  • 4


    ESLint plugin to follow best practices and anticipate common mistakes

    ESLint plugin to follow best practices and anticipate common mistakes when writing tests with Testing Library. You can find detailed guides for migrating eslint-plugin-testing-library in the migration guide docs. Add testing-library to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix. With the default setup mentioned before, eslint-plugin-testing-library will be run against your whole codebase. You can run this plugin only against your tests files...
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  • The Secure Workspace for Remote Work Icon
    The Secure Workspace for Remote Work

    Venn isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer, whether BYO or company issued.

    Venn is a secure workspace for remote work that isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer. Work lives in a secure local enclave that is company controlled, where all data is encrypted and access is managed. Within the enclave – visually indicated by the Blue Border around these applications – business activity is walled off from anything that happens on the personal side. As a result, work and personal uses can now safely coexist on the same computer.
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  • 5


    ESLint plugin for Jest

    ESLint plugin for Jest. If you installed ESLint globally then you must also install eslint-plugin-jest globally. Add jest to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix. The rules provided by this plugin assume that the files they are checking are test-related. This means it's generally not suitable to include them in your top-level configuration as that applies to all files being linted which can include source files. Since we cache...
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  • 6
    Emacs for You (Emfy)

    Emacs for You (Emfy)

    A dark and sleek Emacs setup for general purpose editing

    This project provides a tiny .emacs file to set up Emacs quickly. This document provides a detailed description of how to set it up and get started with Emacs. Further this project also provides a tiny convenience command named em to start Emacs server and edit files using Emacs server. This helps in using Emacs efficiently. This script and its usage is explained in detail later in the Emacs Server and Emacs Launcher sections. If you are already comfortable with Emacs and only want...
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  • 7


    Emacs Debug Adapter Protocol

    Emacs client/library for Debug Adapter Protocol is a wire protocol for communication between client and Debug Server. It's similar to the LSP but provides integration with debug server. The API considered unstable until 1.0 release is out. It is tested against Java, Python, Ruby, Elixir and LLDB (C/C++/Objective-C/Swift). The main entry points are dap-debug and dap-debug-edit-template. The first one asks for a registered debug template and starts the configuration using the default values...
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  • 8


    Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework

    Emacs incremental completion and selection narrowing framework. Helm is an Emacs framework for incremental completions and narrowing selections. It helps to rapidly complete file names, buffer names, or any other Emacs interactions requiring selecting an item from a list of possible choices. Helm is a fork of anything.el, which was originally written by Tamas Patrovic and can be considered to be its successor. Helm cleans the legacy code that is leaner, modular, and unchained from constraints...
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  • 9


    Project Interaction Library for Emacs

    ... is pretty basic - just a folder containing some special file (e.g. a VCS marker or a project descriptor file like pom.xml or Gemfile). Projectile will auto-detect pretty much every popular project type out of the box and you can easily extend it with additional project types. Projectile tries to be practical - portability is great, but if some external tools could speed up some task substantially and the tools are available, Projectile will leverage them.
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  • Digital Payments by Deluxe Payment Exchange Icon
    Digital Payments by Deluxe Payment Exchange

    A single integrated payables solution that takes manual payment processes out of the equation, helping reduce risk and cutting costs for your business

    Save time, money and your sanity. Deluxe Payment Exchange+ (DPX+) is our integrated payments solution that streamlines and automates your accounts payable (AP) disbursements. DPX+ ensures secure payments and offers suppliers alternate ways to receive funds, including mailed checks, ACH, virtual credit cards, debit cards, or eCheck payments. By simply integrating with your existing accounting software like QuickBooks®, you’ll implement efficient payment solutions for AP with ease—without costly development fees or untimely delays.
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  • 10


    An inclusive, accessibility-first GUI

    Easily create, save, and run tests intuitively using Spearmint. Access your app's file directory and codebase while providing a fully functional in-app terminal and browser. When you're ready to continue developing your application, your Jest test files will be in your app's __tests__ folder. Writing tests is like eating your veggies: it's something everyone knows that they should do, but not everyone does. Spearmint provides a simple way to write tests that gives you confidence your...
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  • 11


    Electron based open source toolbox, free integration of rich plug-ins

    ... at any time. Support global shortcut key settings. Support clipboard file search. Support searching for locally installed apps or preferences. Support for MacOS. Support for Windows, and support for Linux. Click the rubick icon on the right side of the search box to enter the plug-in market, select the desired plug-in, and click the download button to download.
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  • 12


    A CLI and toolbox to extract information from React component files

    ... must follow certain guidelines in order to be analyzable. Installing the module adds a react-docgen executable which allows you to convert a single file, multiple files or an input stream. We are trying to make the executable as versatile as possible so that it can be integrated into many workflows. By default, react-docgen will look for the exported component created through React.createClass, a class definition or a function (stateless component) in each file.
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  • 13


    Configuration Management for Python

    Inspired by the 12-factor application guide. Settings management (default values, validation, parsing, templating). Protection of sensitive information (passwords/tokens). Multiple file formats toml|yaml|json|ini|py and also customizable loaders. Full support for environment variables to override existing settings (dotenv support included). Optional layered system for multi environments [default, development, testing, production] (also called multi profiles). Built-in support for Hashicorp...
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  • 14
    GitHub Actions Version Updater

    GitHub Actions Version Updater

    GitHub Actions Version Updater Updates All GitHub Action Versions

    ... with the latest release of the action being used. If at least one workflow file is updated then a new branch is created with the changes and pushed to GitHub. Finally, a pull request is created with the newly created branch. GitHub does not allow updating workflow files inside a workflow run.
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  • 15
    Pandas Profiling

    Pandas Profiling

    Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects

    ..., separator), scripts (Latin, Cyrillic) and blocks (ASCII, Cyrilic). File sizes, creation dates, dimensions, indication of truncated images and existance of EXIF metadata. Mostly global details about the dataset (number of records, number of variables, overall missigness and duplicates, memory footprint). Comprehensive and automatic list of potential data quality issues (high correlation, skewness, uniformity, zeros, missing values, constant values, between others).
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  • 16


    Node.js database migration management for Postgresql

    Node.js database migration management built exclusively for postgres. (But can also be used for other DBs conforming to SQL standard - e.g. CockroachDB.) Started by Theo Ephraim, now maintained by Salsita Software. Installing this module adds a runnable file into your node_modules/.bin directory. If installed globally (with the -g option), you can run node-pg-migrate and if not, you can run ./node_modules/.bin/node-pg-migrate. Add "migrate": "node-pg-migrate" to scripts section of package.json...
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  • 17


    Visualizer for pandas data structures

    D-Tale is the combination of a Flask backend and a React front-end to bring you an easy way to view & analyze Pandas data structures. It integrates seamlessly with ipython notebooks & python/ipython terminals. Currently, this tool supports such Pandas objects as DataFrame, Series, MultiIndex, DatetimeIndex & RangeIndex. D-Tale was the product of a SAS to Python conversion. What was originally a perl script wrapper on top of SAS's insight function is now a lightweight web client on top of...
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  • 18
    CodeGuru Reviewer CLI Wrapper

    CodeGuru Reviewer CLI Wrapper

    Command line wrapper to interact with CodeGuru Reviewer

    Simple CLI wrapper for CodeGuru reviewer that provides a one-line command to scan a local clone of a repository and receive results. This CLI wraps the AWS CLI commands to communicate with AWS CodeGuru Reviewer. Using CodeGuru Reviewer may generate metering fees in your AWS account. See the CodeGuru Reviewer pricing for details. To run the CLI, we need to have a version of git, Java (e.g., Amazon Corretto) and the AWS Command Line interface installed. Verify that both applications are...
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  • 19
    AWS Service Provider for Symfony

    AWS Service Provider for Symfony

    A Symfony bundle for including the AWS SDK for PHP

    A Symfony bundle for including the AWS SDK for PHP. The AWS SDK for PHP makes it easy for developers to access Amazon Web Services in their PHP code, and build robust applications and software using services like Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Glacier, etc. You can get started in minutes by installing the SDK through Composer or by downloading a single zip or phar file from our latest release. By default, the configuration is handled by the SDK rather than by the bundle, and no validation...
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  • 20
    Fluent Bit Plugin for CloudWatch Logs

    Fluent Bit Plugin for CloudWatch Logs

    A Fluent Bit output plugin for CloudWatch Logs

    A Fluent Bit output plugin for CloudWatch Logs. This plugin uses the AWS SDK Go, and uses its default credential provider chain. If you are using the plugin on Amazon EC2 or Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS, the plugin will use your EC2 instance role or ECS Task role permissions or EKS IAM Roles for Service Accounts for pods. The plugin can also retrieve credentials from a shared credentials file, or from the standard AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SESSION_TOKEN environment variables...
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  • 21
    Amazon EC2 Metadata Mock

    Amazon EC2 Metadata Mock

    A tool to simulate Amazon EC2 instance metadata

    Instance metadata is data about your instance that you can use to configure or manage the running instance. Instance metadata is divided into categories, for example, hostname, events, and security groups. You can also use instance metadata to access user data that you specified when launching your instance. For example, you can specify parameters for configuring your instance, or include a simple script. You can build generic AMIs and use user data to modify the configuration files supplied...
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  • 22


    Open source CSS framework for data visualization

    Charts.css is a modern CSS framework. It uses CSS utility classes to style HTML elements as charts. No dependencies. 72kb file size. Less than 6kb gzipped file size! Visualization helps end-users understand data. Charts.css help frontend developers turn data into beautiful charts and graphs using simple CSS classes. The data is structured using semantic HTML tags and styled using CSS classes which change the visual representation displayed to the end-user. The framework offers developers...
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  • 23


    The zero configuration build tool for the web

    Parcel combines a great out-of-the-box development experience with a scalable architecture that can take your project from just getting started to a massive production application. Parcel starts with a great development experience, from starting a new project to iterating and debugging, and shipping to production. No more fiddling with configuration, or spending hours to keep up with best practices – it just works! Parcel supports many languages and file types out of the box, from web...
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  • 24


    Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere

    Dotdrop is a dotfiles manager that provides efficient ways of managing your precious config files. It is especially powerful when it comes to managing those across different hosts. The main idea of dotdrop is to have the ability to store each dotfile only once and deploy them with different content on different hosts/setups. To achieve this, it uses a templating engine that allows specifying, during the dotfile installation with dotdrop, based on a selected profile, how (with what content)...
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  • 25


    git dotfiles synchronizer written in bash

    In Unix, configuration files are king. Tailoring tools to suit your needs through configuration can be empowering. An immense number of hours is spent on getting these adjustments just right, but once you leave the confines of your own computer, these local optimizations are left behind. By the power of git, homeshick enables you to bring the symphony of settings you have poured your heart into with you to remote computers. With it you can begin to focus even more energy on bettering your...
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