Annotate quickly images
GitHub’s official command line tool
Implementation of the C++ from_chars functions for number types
A modern C++ library for reading, writing, and analyzing CSV
3D Procedural Game Engine Using OpenGL
A cross-platform C and C++ unit testing framework for the 21st century
A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and Git
PeachPie, the PHP compiler and runtime for .NET and .NET Core
The mobile app vault (iOS and Android)
An unofficial .Net wrapper for the Discord API
The automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET.
Visual Studio Test Platform is the runner and engine that powers test
RobotFramework support for Visual Studio Code
A collection of 500+ analyzers, refactorings and fixes for C#
.NET Interactive takes .NET and embeds it into your experiences
An open-source registry for VS Code extensions
A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp
Cross platform .Net wrapper to the OpenCV image processing library
Download ScriptAnalyzer from PowerShellGallery
The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine
NHibernate Object Relational Mapper
NUnit 3 Framework
Cross platform code coverage for .NET
Clean Architecture Solution Template
GitHub Pull Requests for Visual Studio Code