Showing 120 open source projects for "ntp server vm"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    an extremely buggy web app !

    ... issue... bWAPP is covering a wide range of vulnerabilities! bWAPP is a PHP application that uses a MySQL database. It can be hosted on Linux/Windows with Apache/IIS and MySQL. It is supported on WAMP or XAMPP. Another possibility is to download bee-box, a custom VM pre-installed with bWAPP. This project is part of the ITSEC GAMES project. You can find more about the ITSEC GAMES and bWAPP projects on our blog. For security-testing and educational purposes only! Cheers Malik Mesellem
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    mqnic - virtual link layer for qemu/kvm

    Low latency, high bandwidth IP for virtual machines

    MQNIC ( Message Queue NIC ) Virtual Link Layer The Message Queue NIC project provides a virtual link layer for qemu/kvm based virtual machines. The virtual link layer provides transport using the Apache ActiveMQ message server or other message bus and eliminates the need for external IP infrastructure to support VM deployments. Based on the ivshmem technology originally developed by Cam Macdonell the mqnic drivers use zero copy vm<->host data transfers and the apache message server...
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  • 3
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    PDI Data Vault framework

    Data Vault loading automation using Pentaho Data Integration.

    A metadata driven 'tool' to automate loading a designed Data Vault. It consists of a set of Pentaho Data Integration and database objects. Thel Virtual Machine (VMware) is a 64 bit Ubuntu Server 14.04, with MySQL (Percona Server) and PostgreSQL 9.4 as the database flavours and PDI version 5.2 CE. NB: Directory version_2.4 contains the most recent Virtual Machine. The readme.txt contains info about that VM.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5
    Web Server Installer

    Web Server Installer

    Install an Apache Web Server with PHP and MySQL on Linux

    With this Bash Script, you can install an Apache Web Server with PHP and MySQL easily! The Script will install the following packages: * Apache * Php * MySql * XCache * Fail2ban The Script can configure: * Time Zone * Php Time Zone * Apache Module Proxy * Apache Module ProxyHttp * Apache Module Rewrite * Apache Module Expires * Apache Module Deflate Also, the Script can install the following packages: * SSH * Ntp * Screen * Lynx * Vim * Htop * Unzip
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  • 6

    Web Application Server for PHP

    Virtual Machine containing a standard installation for PHP development

    It is a VM (Virtual Machine) containing a standard installation for PHP development, titled "Web Application Server for PHP". PS.: Machines will be updated in this WEEKEND! 20/07/2013 - 21/07/2013
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  • 7
    Ubuntu 14.04 release! Ubuntu Server is a GUI to manage your servers that are installed (apache2,myqsl,proftpd,samba,monitorix,ssh,nagios,webmin) and see the server log activity! ver 0.7 -added Backup utility, view info about network interfaces , config samba shares , view local & external ip , enable or disable sites and modules in apache2 -a new look&feel -ver 0.7.4 added bind9 server & NTP server Designed for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
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    Base Slackware Virtual Image

    A slightly modified base package Slackware image suitable for VM performance testing. Project Goals: Development of production testing protocols Base Image Base +Apache Base + MySQL Base + node.js Base + AoE Standard Full Slackware Current VM image The goal of the Slackless project is really two-fold. To provide high quality virtual images of the original Slackware operating system suitable for use and testing in virtual environments in an effort to introduce users new to Slackware...
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  • 9
    SpeedLinux is a customized coLinux. coLinux is not a VM but it can be used in the same way. Installation of Speedlinux results in a complete LINUX System with X server running side on side with Windows on a single PC. Beginning with Version 3001, Speedlinux comes now with the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin Developer (Alpha devel) for download via installer. Downloading one of the different compressed Ubuntu versions ( 9,04, 11.10 or 12.04 ) is optional. Updating is easy. https...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 10

    Kerberos server VM

    ready-to-use Kerberos server

    Want to test your app with Kerberos authentication? Open this virtual machine in VirtualBox, and start using Kerberos right away! Kerberos realm: CMISSYNC.ORG Kerberos user: mirko All passwords are: nico It is just Turnkey Linux Domain Controller with Kerberos installed on top if it: (followed up to "Obtaining Kerberos ticket")
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    A modular IP router for Linux platforms

    RCP100 is a modular router control plane for Linux platforms. It can be used as a standalone router, or it can be deployed as an embedded router in a virtualized environment. The modular architecture allows rapid introduction of new features and functionality, including support for custom hardware. It features a command line interface, Telnet, FTP, and TFTP access, an NTP client and server, a DNS proxy cache, a DHCP relay, static routes, blackhole routes, static ARP, proxy ARP, RIP version 2...
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    Managing z - systems management of z/VM and Linux on the mainframe

    Mz is a set of bash scripts to do systems management of z/VM and Linux on System z (mainframe). A Linux system with the Mz RPM installed is an "Mz server". Other Linux systems under the same z/VM can be managed by this server. These are called "Mz clients", however, there is no special client code needed. The Secure Shell (SSH) is used for communication among Mz servers and clients. Except for sshd, Mz is effectively "agentless". Mz servers store data about all systems in a hierarchy of Linux...
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  • 13

    OpenVZ Mailcleaner VM

    Openvz Mailcleaner Template

    Author: José Pedro Andrés García Contact: Macklus AT debianitas DOT net MailCleaner is a full email filtering gateway. It includes a complete GNU/Linux OS and a graphical web interface for user and administrative access. It comes in the form of an ISO image that contains a fully automated installer. OpenVZ is container-based virtualization for Linux. OpenVZ creates multiple secure, isolated Linux containers (otherwise known as VEs or VPSs) on a single physical server enabling better...
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  • 14

    FoIP Boot Strap VM

    Fax over IP Boot Strap VM

    Boot Strap your fax over IP (ICTFAX) evaluation. This is a VirtualBox VM with CentOS 6.4 (Basic Server), yudit, FreeSWITCH, plivo, Drupal, and ICTFAX compiled/installed, but _not_ pre-configured. References: (Mozilla Public License Version 1.1) (Mozilla Public License Version 1.1) (GPL v3)
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    ISO - Customized version of dcm4chee 2.17.3 for MySQL.

    1. Add JBoss Application Server 4.2.3.GA for JDK 6. 2. Cleanup for Windows and deprecated files. 3. Off CONSOLE records -
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    ovf image cloud9-ubuntu-12-10-server

    Have your own cloud 9 server with no hassle Bonus Track: Fossil-scm support ovf image cloud9-ubuntu-12-10-server Cloud 9 as of June, 1 2013
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  • 17


    Vulnerable VM featuring Bitbot

    This is a Linux based VM that is intended as a way to get security researchers started with simple botnet research. It also requires the researcher have some ability to assess and exploit vulnerabilities, with the ultimate goal of obtaining root access to the VM. This is the second of many to come, please feel free to supply feedback so I can make future ones more enjoyable and fulfilling. The network configuration of the VM is set to auto, so it is easiest to run with some sort of DHCP server...
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    Django Live OS

    Django Live OS for building webapps using Django and MongoDB.

    This is Django Live, a live CD based on Debian stable, Squeeze 6/Lenny 5 that enables to setup/host/test Django apps with ease. No worrys of how to install Apache/Python/MySQL/Django..just fill it, shut it, and go on..LAMP made easy :)
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    Open Catalog Interface (OCI) for VirtueMart

    OCI for Virtuemart. The Open Catalog Interface (OCI) is the interface between catalogs (Virtuemart) and SAP Business-to-Business Procurement. SAP’s Open Catalog Interface uses standard Internet protocols. It has already been implemented between several catalog applications and SAP Business-to-Business Procurement. Kh_vmoci do this job.for Virtuemart. Tested against SAP R3 and SAP ByD (Business by Design) Available in some versions 2.5.1 for Joomla 2.5 and VM 2.0.x (default download...
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  • 20
    VirtualBoxes - Free VirtualBox(R) Images

    VirtualBoxes - Free VirtualBox(R) Images

    Appliances of free/open source operating systems for VirtualBox

    We provide ready-to-use Oracle VM VirtualBox(R) images for open-source operating systems that can be used for testing and/or security-related purpose, or for anything you wish. News, HOWTOs and much more is available at the project web site. N.B. Newer OVAs are only available through BitTorrent: torrent links are published only on our website. Please search our database in
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  • 21

    Falcon Time

    High Performance LAN Time Synchronization

    Falcon Time consists of two parts, a time server that will provide the base time for the network and an application library that is linked in to each application wishing to use the synchronized time from the time client. It is designed to work over a Local Area Network (LAN) and can synchronize time between two systems down to the time required for a ping between them or even below. It is also quick to start-up, being ready for use by the application in just a few milliseconds, rather than...
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  • 22


    A map server for local use.

    A virtual machine (VMWare image, Ubuntu minimal server) with a standard Openstreetmap rendering stack (PostGreSQL/PostGIS, osm2pgsql, Mapnik) installed. WARNING: This VM is for local use only!!!! There is no firewall and the database is open to the outside. DO NOT USE IT ONLINE!!
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    AppInventor on a VM or Flash Drive

    AppInventor Personal Private Server on Linux VM or Flash Drive

    Updated 3/24/2012 + Upgraded Vmware image + Added new Bootable linux Flash Drive Image with All Inventor installed The Appinventor Personal Private server in a self contained, slimmed down Linux installation. Two flavors are iincluded: Vmware Virtual Machine and a Bootable Flash Drive image. Google Appinventor is a graphical blocks based development environment for Android devices. Google ended the their support of the project and released the code to MIT for educations support...
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  • 24
    MAG Server

    MAG Server

    MAG Server stands for Monitor And Graphing Server. [VM Appliance]

    MAG is a combination of Linux, XYMon and Cacti all together in a virtual appliance ready to use. All 3 are solid pieces of software but when joined together they make a great tool to manage your network infrastructure and end systems. The Squidworks MAG server is a CentOS 5.6 Linux distribution that has a customized XYmon Monitoring and Cacti Graphing servers installed, configured and ready to use. All the dirty work has been done for you. Browse the informative splash page, there you...
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  • 25


    A Bacula OVF built upon TurnKey Linux

    EvolveBDR is a OVF virtual appliance released under the GNU Public License v2. The purpose of EvolveBDR is to develop and release a production-ready Bacula virtual appliance, built upon TurnKey Linux 12, which comes configured with sane default backup and restore jobs for various platforms, that is easy to administer with Webmin and the Webmin Bacula module, and that can be dynamically expanded by added more virtual disks with LVM. Abstract your Bacula server away from the underlying disk...
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