Flexible level editor
Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payments
LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE
Generates a sound given: volume, frequency, duration
This is the stress-ng upstream project git repository.
Automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes, etc.
Samples that demonstrate how to build graphics intensive applications
A cross-platform, portable, linkable Git implementation library
mpv.net is a media player for Windows with a modern GUI
An embedded web server
SonoBus, a real-time network audio streaming collaboration tool
PX4 Autopilot Software
Lighter, faster browser kernel of blink to integrate HTML UI in apps
Extend Gnome Shell with advanced tiling window management
Flipper Zero firmware source code
Accelerate cross-platform MR app development in Unity
C++ Functional Terminal User Interface
Building a full-fledged code editor for iPad
Open source driver and user-space daemon to control Razer lighting
An unofficial userspace driver for HID++ Logitech devices
File Dialog for Dear ImGui
The keyboard and mouse sharing tool
A Toolbox companion for QMK Firmware
GO Simple Tunnel, a simple tunnel written in golang
Build Mobile, Desktop and WebAssembly apps