Model-view-presenter and model-view-intent library for modern Android
Eclipse Editor for the Swagger-OpenAPI Description Language
Linux for Arduino and Makers developers
A smart and simple plugin that provides keyboard shortcut access
Data and Text Mining Software for Everyone
Generating documents and reports, offline enabled and reliable.
An Android reading app, including articles from Zhihu Daily
Chrome browser of android version from chromium open project
Custom view component that mimics the new Material Design pattern
This utility will generate the entire database code for Android and io
Android offline build Netbeans plugin for CodeName One
This is a plugin you can generate Json model from Json String
Android Programming Blog.
Filler Studio for any kind of automation for Windows,Linux,Mac.
Multi-OS Engine: Create iOS Apps in Java (or Kotlin ... etc.)
Convert your GPX coordinates to UTM reference coordinates
Adicionais (plugins) para Eclipse e TDS
Eclipse-based report and document development tool for PDFReporter
Fork of Java binding of 7-Zip
Open-source lightweight java workflow engine
An elegant Ubuntu based Linux distribution for all programmers.