Search Results for "pdfbox-app-1.7.1.jar" - Page 26

Showing 7610 open source projects for "pdfbox-app-1.7.1.jar"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1
    Slide To Act

    Slide To Act

    A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android

    A simple Slide to Unlock Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin 🇰. By the default, every SlideToActView widget fits to your app using the colorAccent and the colorBackground parameters from your theme. You can customize your SlideToActView using the following custom attributes.
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  • 2


    Swagger UI as Koa v2 middleware

    Host swagger ui at a given directory from your koa v2 app.
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  • 3


    Showcase your awesome new app features

    A Swift Package to easily showcase your new app features. It's designed from the ground up to be fully customized to your needs. Check out the example application to see WhatsNewKit in action. If you wish to manually present a WhatsNewView you can make use of the sheet(whatsNew:) modifier. The automatic presentation mode allows you to simply declare your new features via the SwiftUI Environment and WhatsNewKit will take care to present the corresponding WhatsNewView. The WhatsNewEnvironment...
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  • 4
    OwnTracks for Android

    OwnTracks for Android

    OwnTracks Android App

    OwnTracks allows you to keep track of your own location. You can build your private location diary or share it with your family and friends. OwnTracks is open-source and uses open protocols for communication so you can be sure your data stays secure and private. This is the OwnTracks Android app. See our booklet for details on how to get started with OwnTracks, as well some details about behaviour specific to the Android app.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5


    Translates Django models using a registration approach

    The modeltranslation application is used to translate dynamic content of existing Django models to an arbitrary number of languages without having to change the original model classes. It uses a registration approach (comparable to Django's admin app) to be able to add translations to existing or new projects and is fully integrated into the Django admin backend. The advantage of a registration approach is the ability to add translations to models on a per-app basis. You can use the same app...
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  • 6
    Configure your Node.js Applications

    Configure your Node.js Applications

    Node.js application configuration

    Node-config organizes hierarchical configurations for your app deployments. It lets you define a set of default parameters, and extend them for different deployment environments (development, qa, staging, production, etc.). Configurations are stored in configuration files within your application, and can be overridden and extended by environment variables, command line parameters, or external sources. This gives your application a consistent configuration interface shared among a growing list...
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  • 7
    Laravel Activity Log

    Laravel Activity Log

    Log activity inside your Laravel app

    The spatie/laravel-activitylog package provides easy-to-use functions to log the activities of the users of your app. It can also automatically log model events. All activity will be stored in the activity_log table. Open source software is used in all projects we deliver. Laravel, Nginx, Ubuntu are just a few of the free pieces of software we use every single day. For this, we are very grateful. When we feel we have solved a problem in a way that can help other developers, we release our code...
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  • 8


    Gray box end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps

    High velocity native mobile development requires us to adopt continuous integration workflows, which means our reliance on manual QA has to drop significantly. Detox tests your mobile app while it's running in a real device/simulator, interacting with it just like a real user. The most difficult part of automated testing on mobile is the tip of the testing pyramid - E2E. The core problem with E2E tests is flakiness, tests are usually not deterministic. We believe the only way to tackle...
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  • 9


    Deploy web apps anywhere

    Kamal offers zero-downtime deploys, rolling restarts, asset bridging, remote builds, accessory service management, and everything else you need to deploy and manage your web app in production with Docker. Originally built for Rails apps, Kamal will work with any type of web app that can be containerized. Kamal seeks to bring the advance in ergonomics pioneered by these commercial offerings to deploying web apps anywhere. Whether that’s low-cost cloud options without the managed-service markup...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 10


    Sandwich is an adaptable and lightweight sealed API library

    Sandwich is an adaptable and lightweight sealed API library designed for handling API responses and exceptions in Android for Retrofit, and Kotlin Multiplatform for Ktor, and Ktorfit. Sandwich was conceived to streamline the creation of standardized interfaces to model responses from Retrofit, Ktor, and whatever. This library empowers you to handle body data, errors, and exceptional cases more succinctly, utilizing functional operators within a multi-layer architecture. With Sandwich, the...
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  • 11


    Allows developers to configure feature flags

    FeatureFlags makes it easy to configure feature flags, A/B and MVT tests via a JSON file which may be bundled with your app or hosted remotely. For remotely-hosted configuration files, you may enable/disable features without another release to the App Store, update the percentages of users in A/B test groups or even roll out a feature previously under A/B test to 100% of your users once you have decided that the feature is ready for prime time.
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  • 12


    Object-functional library that runs with Java 8+

    Vavr core is a functional library for Java. It helps to reduce the amount of code and to increase the robustness. A first step towards functional programming is to start thinking in immutable values. Vavr provides immutable collections and the necessary functions and control structures to operate on these values. The results are beautiful and just work. The Vavr binaries can be found on Maven Central. Beside with Gradle and Maven they work also standalone. The documentation gives an overview...
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  • 13


    Coframe brings your UX to life with AI-powered optimization

    Bring your UX to life with AI-powered optimization and personalization. Coframe brings the content of your app or website to life through AI-powered optimization, personalization, and overall self-improvement. It takes minutes to integrate, and the ROI is clear to measure. Your website or app gains self-enhancing abilities with Coframe, learning from real-world performance. It's A/B testing, but with a serious upgrade. Coframe uses the latest in AI to generate copy that is tailored to your...
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  • 14


    AppDevKit is an iOS development library

    AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs. AppDevKit is an iOS development library that provides developers with useful features to fulfill their everyday iOS app development needs. Yahoo’s Taiwan based iOS app development team has been using this development kit for the past three years, and we plan future apps to use AppDevKit as well. Our use of this code in many apps helped improve its stability...
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  • 15


    react-native native module for In App Purchase.

    react-native-iap will help you access the In-App purchases capabilities of your device on iOS, and Android (Play Store and Amazon). In order to initialize the native modules, call initConnection() early in the lifecycle of your application. This should be done at a top-level component as the library caches the native connection. Initializing just before you needed is discouraged as it incurs on a performance hit. Calling this method multiple times without ending the previous connection...
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  • 16
    Wire iOS

    Wire iOS

    Wire for iOS (iPhone and iPad)

    The Wire mobile app has an architectural layer that we call sync engine. It is the client-side layer that processes all the data that is displayed in the mobile app. It handles network communication and authentication with the backend, push notifications, local caching of data, client-side business logic, signaling with the audio-video libraries, encryption and decryption (using encryption libraries from a lower level) and other bits and pieces. The user interface layer of the mobile app...
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  • 17


    A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects

    A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects. The scan command is Periphery's primary function. To begin a guided setup, simply change to your project directory. To get coherent results from Periphery, it's crucial to understand the implications of the build targets you choose to analyze. For example, imagine a project consisting of three targets: App, Lib and Tests. The App target imports Lib, and the Tests targets imports both App and Lib. If you were to provide all three to the --targets...
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  • 18


    Final year project application combining mindfulness and art-therapy

    My final year project application combining mindfulness and art-therapy.
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  • 19
    PHP Monitor

    PHP Monitor

    Lightweight, native Mac menu bar app that interacts with Laravel Valet

    PHP Monitor (or phpmon) is a lightweight macOS utility app that runs on your Mac and displays the active PHP version in your status bar. It's tightly integrated with Laravel Valet, so you need to have it set up before you can use this app. It's super convenient to switch between different versions of PHP. You'll even get notifications (only if you choose to opt-in, of course)! PHP Monitor also gives you quick access to various useful functionality (like accessing configuration files, restarting...
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  • 20


    File sharing progressive web app built using WebTorrent and WebSocket

    Blaze is a file-sharing progressive web app(PWA) that allows users to transfer files between multiple devices. It works similarly to SHAREit or the Files app by Google but uses web technologies to eliminate the process of installing native apps for different devices and operating systems. It also supports instant file sharing with multiple devices at once which many file-sharing apps lack. Blaze primarily uses WebTorrent and WebSockets protocol (as a fallback) to transfer files between multiple...
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  • 21

    WP-Desktop for Desktop

    A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home in your taskbar. A control panel for all your WordPress sites. Write and design with no other browser tabs to distract you. Switch easily between managing your WordPress sites and your favorite desktop apps. The desktop app builds upon the already fast by bundling the entire site as a local copy. You get near-instant page-loads and less waiting around. The desktop app will scale to any size. Do you need a small...
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  • 22
    Raven Reader

    Raven Reader

    All your articles in one place. Beautiful

    All your articles in one place, are beautiful. Exporting feed in OPML format. Importing feeds. Windows support. Linux support. Offline reading. Keyboard Shortcuts. Sidebar count. Text size configuration. Text font style configuration (Currently has Playfair Display, Muli, Open Sans, and Roboto Slab). Supports categorizing of the feeds. macOS touch bar shortcuts. Integration with read-it later apps: Pocket, Instapaper. Podcast support. Subscribe to podcast RSS feed and listen within the app...
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  • 23
    HTTP Kit

    HTTP Kit

    Clojure HTTP server/client library with WebSocket support

    .../sec on even midrange hardware. Here is another test about how it stacks up with others. It's not only fast, but efficient! Each connection costs nothing but a few kB of memory. RAM usage grows O(n) with connections. Written from the ground-up to be lean, the entire client/server is available as a single ~90kB JAR with zero dependencies and ~3k lines of (mostly Java) code. Synchronous is simple. Asynchronous is fast & flexible.
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  • 24


    Your next Preact PWA starts in 30 seconds.

    Start building a Preact Progressive Web App in seconds. 100/100 Lighthouse score, right out of the box (proof). Fully automatic code-splitting for routes (see Route-Based Code Splitting). Transparently code-split any component with an async! prefix. Auto-generated Service Workers for offline caching powered by Workbox. PRPL pattern support for efficient loading. Zero-configuration pre-rendering/server-side rendering hydration. Support for CSS Modules, LESS, Sass, and Stylus; with Autoprefixer...
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  • 25


    Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool

    Often times, the production system network is inaccessible from the local development environment. If issues are encountered in production systems, it is impossible to use IDEs to debug the application remotely. More importantly, debugging in production environment is unacceptable, as it will suspend all the threads, resulting in the suspension of business services. Developers could always try to reproduce the same issue on the test/staging environment. However, this is tricky as some issues...
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