All of Aminet modules at your fingertips
Mala ProEx and Easy Locator GPR control software
The full codebase of Feisty Meow® Concerns Ltd.
FTPprune is a Perl script to manage a remote ftp archive
UDP Image Uploader with Serpent Encryption Algorithm in CBC Mode
A web application for testing webservices
LiteNodes is a Litecoin blockchain analyser and monitor
GRSNodes is a Groestlcoin blockchain analyser and monitor
DogeNodes is a Dogecoin blockchain analyser and monitor
An e-book reading protocol for Linux and Windows
A Dassault Aviation project to simplify the building of prototypes
IEC 101 Source code Library Windows Linux POSIX - c, c++, c# .net
LDAP tools to support formerly NIS environments.
MQTT server for IOT written in Erlang
A media player and DMX controller cut for live stage shows
advanced tftp server and client
Synthetic Vision/Sectional Maps for experimental aircraft.
Symetric file encryption based on OTP implemented as XOR encryption