Shell programming, Haskell style
Ubuntu-based Linux Gaming OS
This is a game with multiple endings about an AmericanIndian character
trace for PHP
Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks
Web Control Panel for Linux Servers
Cross-platform open source Redis DB management tool
A family of Eclipse CDT extensions and tools for GNU ARM development.
Update Google drive permissions in bulk mode
Named-entity recognition using neural networks
God game: wage war from the stone age to the future
Count the number of people around you by monitoring wifi signals
An enhanced Go experience for the Atom editor
Chords is binary file strings extractor, with many formats supported.
Digital Signature for PDF documents in Spanish
Mac OS X Dashboard Widget for reading comics
A complete, easy, stable OS based on 18.04 LTR
Nash Operating System for Modern Ecommerce
Display server for Linux based on Webkit and HTML layout capabilities.