Search Results for "web traffic generator" - Page 2

Showing 1054 open source projects for "web traffic generator"

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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    Serve as a reverse proxy to protect your web services from attacks

    SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits. A web application firewall helps protect web apps by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It typically protects web apps from attacks such as SQL injection, XSS, code injection, os command injection, CRLF injection, LDAP injection, XPath injection, RCE, XXE, SSRF, path traversal, backdoor, brute force, HTTP-flood, bot abuse, among others...
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  • 2


    Count and limit requests by key with atomic increments

    rate-limiter-flexible counts and limits number of actions by key and protects from DDoS and brute force attacks at any scale. It works with Redis, process Memory, Cluster or PM2, Memcached, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and allows to control of requests rate in single process or distributed environment. All operations in memory or distributed environments use atomic increments against race conditions. Combine limiters, block key for some duration, delay actions, manage failover with insurance...
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    The world’s fastest framework for building websites

    Hugo is a popular, fast and flexible open source static site generator written in Go. It’s designed for speed and flexibility, while also being very easy to use. Hugo has the amazing ability to render a typical, moderately-sized website in just a fraction of a second. It takes Hugo around 1 millisecond to render each piece of content, making it the fastest tool of its kind. Hugo supports unlimited content types, and ships with pre-made templates to make SEO, analytics and many other...
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  • 4
    Swagger Codegen

    Swagger Codegen

    Template-driven engine to generate documentation

    Swagger-Codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition. Simplify API development for users, teams, and enterprises with the Swagger open source and professional toolset. Find out how Swagger can help you design and document your APIs at scale. The power of Swagger tools starts with the OpenAPI Specification, the industry standard for RESTful API design. Individual tools to...
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 5


    Mail hosting made simple

    Modoboa is a mail hosting and management platform including a modern and simplified Web User Interface. It provides useful components such as an administration panel and webmail. Modoboa integrates with well known software such as Postfix or Dovecot. A SQL database (MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite) is used as a central point of communication between all components. Modoboa is developed with modularity in mind, expanding it is really easy. Actually, all current features are extensions. It is written...
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  • 6


    Generate, Diff, and Test OpenAPI Descriptions

    Vizualize API changes to improve the quality of reviews. Test API changes to ensure nothing bad slips through. OpenAPI diffs are difficult to read. Because these files contain references, small changes can have a large effect on your API. Linters can not check for backward compatibility or enforce versioning and deprecation policies. Optic adds a visual changelog to every Pull Request that makes it easy to see exactly what API changes have been proposed. Optic tests each set of API changes...
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  • 7


    A simpler site generator. Transforms a directory of templates

    A static site generator for modern web development, focusing on flexibility and customization.
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    RESTful web API documentation Generator

    apiDoc creates a documentation from API annotations in your source code. apiDoc gives you the ability to attach a version number to an API so you can easily track changes between versions. Creates an apiDoc of all files within dir myapp/, uses template from dir mytemplate/ and put all output to dir apidoc/. Without any parameter, apiDoc generate a documentation from all .cs .dart .erl .go .java .js .php .py .rb .ts files in current dir (incl. subdirs) and writes the output to ./doc/. apiDoc...
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    A simple, modern server dashboard

    dashdot is a modern server dashboard primarily used by smaller private servers, offering real-time monitoring of system metrics through a sleek and customizable web interface.
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10


    Promgen is a configuration file generator for Prometheus

    Promgen is a configuration file generator for Prometheus. Promgen is a web application written with Django and can help you do several jobs. The primary management UI is a Django application and many of the concepts that apply to a typical Django application will apply to Promgen. Configure Prometheus to load the target file from Prometheus and configure AlertManager to send notifications back to Promgen. Arbitrary Django settings can be set for the Promgen web app by adding those under...
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    An extensible Java library for HTTP request and response logging

    Logbook is an extensible Java library to enable complete request and response logging for different client- and server-side technologies. It satisfies a special need by a) allowing web application developers to log any HTTP traffic that an application receives or sends b) in a way that makes it easy to persist and analyze it later. This can be useful for traditional log analysis, meeting audit requirements or investigating individual historic traffic issues. Logbook is ready to use out...
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  • 12
    Security Log Generator

    Security Log Generator

    Generates logs of typical formats that would often be found in a SOC

    Generates logs of typical formats that would often be found in a SOC. As of 31st January 2023, it supports IDS, Web Access and Endpoint log formats. Can generate a specific number of events in a linear fashion or use a waveform to add 'bumpiness' to your data. The code is modular and extensible, adding additional formats can be done with relative ease.
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  • 13


    A nonsense activity generator

    .... Additionally, there is a web version. It's compatible with FreeBSD, Linux, macOS, Windows 10 (it needs a recent Windows 10 to get ANSI support) and most modern web browsers that support WebAssembly.
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  • 14


    Identify technology on websites

    ... and export custom reports for any web technology or keyword based on industry, website traffic and location. Get notified when a website's technology stack changes. Be the first to know when a competitor moves to a new CMS, ecommerce platform or any other technology. The Wappalyzer APIs provide instant access to website technology stacks, company and contact details, social media profiles and more.
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  • 15
    SocketCAN userspace utilities and tools

    SocketCAN userspace utilities and tools

    Linux-CAN / SocketCAN user space applications

    SocketCAN userspace utilities and tools. This repository contains some userspace utilities for the Linux CAN subsystem (aka SocketCAN).
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    Atlantis iOS

    Atlantis iOS

    A lightweight and powerful iOS framework for intercepting HTTP/HTTPS

    Don't let cumbersome web debugging tools hold you back. With Proxyman's native macOS app, you can capture, inspect, and manipulate HTTP(s) traffic with ease. Intuitive, thoughtful, and built with meticulous attention to detail. Dive into the network level to diagnose and fix problems with reliable and powerful tools. Proxyman acts as a man-in-the-middle server that captures the traffic between your applications and SSL Web Server. With a built-in macOS setup, so you can inspect your HTTP/HTTPS...
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  • 17


    mitmproxy implemented with golang

    go-mitmproxy is a Golang implementation of mitmproxy that supports man-in-the-middle attacks and parsing, monitoring, and tampering with HTTP/HTTPS traffic. Parses HTTP/HTTPS traffic and displays traffic details via a web interface. Supports a plugin mechanism for easily extending functionality. Various event hooks can be found in the examples directory. HTTPS certificate handling is compatible with mitmproxy and stored in the ~/.mitmproxy folder. If the root certificate is already trusted from...
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  • 18
    zola (né Gutenberg)

    zola (né Gutenberg)

    Fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in

    A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built in. Forget dependencies. Everything you need in one binary. Zola comes as a single executable with Sass compilation, syntax highlighting, table of contents and many other features that traditionally require setting up a dev environment or adding some JavaScript libraries to your site. The average site will be generated in less than a second, including Sass compilation and syntax highlighting. Zola renders your whole site...
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    OpenAPI helper and code generator for Julia

    This is the Julia library needed along with code generated by the OpenAPI generator to help define, produce and consume OpenAPI interfaces. The goal of OpenAPI is to define a standard, language-agnostic interface to REST APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined via OpenAPI, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote...
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  • 20


    Malicious traffic detection system

    Maltrail is a malicious traffic detection system, utilizing publicly available (black)lists containing malicious and/or generally suspicious trails, along with static trails compiled from various AV reports and custom user-defined lists, where trail can be anything from domain name, URL, IP address (e.g. for the known attacker) or HTTP User-Agent header value (e.g. sqlmap for automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool). Also, it uses (optional) advanced heuristic...
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  • 21


    InterPlanetary File System HTTP Proxy

    This implementation can help developers to use only one URL to all IPFS files without any risk of breaking the server bandwidth. You can be sure that the server's capacity is large enough to handle all traffic. This code has been written without any dependency to run as faster as possible. use DNSSEC, DNS Anycast, low latency DNS, and IP resolved to different servers to handle all traffic. Each IPFS gateway can break if a lot of files is downloaded simultaneously, this can help to avoid...
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  • 22


    Gin-vue-admin is a development platform based on vue and gin

    The basic development platform based on vite+vue3+gin (supporting mixed use of TS and JS), integrates jwt authentication, authority management, dynamic routing, visible and hidden controllable components, paging encapsulation, multi-login interception, resource permissions, upload and download, Code generator, form generator and other necessary functions for development. Gin-vue-admin is a development platform based on vue and gin , which is a full-stack front-end and back-end separation...
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  • 23


    A Powerful API Mocking and Testing Tool

    Most Popular developer tool for frontend developers & QAs to debug web and mobile applications. Redirect URL (Switch Environments), Modify Headers, Mock APIs, Modify Response, Insert Scripts & Report Bugs with debugging sessions. Bring the power of Charles Proxy, Fiddler & Postman together with beautiful, modern UI & collaboration features. Available as a browser extension on all major browsers & desktop apps on all platforms. Requestly is an Open-Source platform for front-end developers...
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  • 24


    PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel

    The open-source flawless framework for building scalable and testable API-Centric Apps with PHP and Laravel. Authentication with OAuth2.0 for first/third-party clients (using Laravel Passport). Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), seeded with a Super Admin, Roles, and Permissions. Query Parameters support (orderBy, sorted, and filter) with full-text search. Useful Endpoints for managing users, roles/permissions, tokens, and more. API Documentations generator, to generate API docs from PHP Docblock...
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    Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React

    Gatsby is a free and open source web framework based on React that allows you to build blazing fast websites and apps. It offers the latest web technologies, such as React.js, Webpack, modern JavaScript, CSS and more to help you build really fast websites. A Progressive Web App generator, it’s fast in every way that matters.
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