Windows project for managing the purchase/sale of foreign currency
Applicazione in Access per il calcolo del codice fiscale
Excel's Interface to R
Meeting minutes, Issues, Risks, Agreements, Actions, Projects Tracking
An interface for calling Python from Excel
Zoorbar 3.0, software to manage and digitize zoological collection
software application to manage botanical and zoological collections
Steam Trap Maintenance Management System
mud l'ultima frontiera
Excel based report designer and report writer
An Import/Export Utility for MS Access
User friendly management company, located in Italian
Darwin Test is a software application to validate and correct records
For buying clubs that meet in person
Lapack/quadprog QP for VBA/.Net/Java
Microsoft Office add-ins that assist documen version control
Software to manage and digitize botanical and zoological collections
A Microsoft Word add-in for biological sequence manipulation
Basic Calculator for AramOS 1.0
Sortware application to validate and check records.
A software application for environmental assessment of bioprocesses.