Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network
Extend your AWS IAM switching roles by Chrome extension
FSKneeboard adds a helpful ingame panel to your flight simulator
Show Julia profiling data in an explorable HTML page
XLabel: An Explainable Data Labeling Assistant
Authenticator generates 2-Step Verification codes in your browser
Package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel
Synthetic data generators for tabular and time-series data
Django application and library for importing and exporting data
An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
The AirGap Wallet is installed on an everyday smartphone
A CLI tool to reduce the friction between data scientists
Library to show colorful blurry placeholders while your content loads
Progress bars for threading and multiprocessing tasks on terminal
A concise API for exploratory data visualization
A strongly-typed, caching GraphQL client for iOS, written in Swift
MacOS launcher & command palette
JupyterLab extension for live editing of LaTeX documents
Static site generator. Simple, customisable, fast, maths with KaTeX
diff tool for YAML files, and sometimes JSON
Ultraleap SDK for Unity
A library for building dynamic, infinitely customizable interfaces
A real-time collaborative document editor for the web
Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc