Easy and quick contact management with no ads, handles groups
A free, self-hosted platform to sideload iOS apps without a computer
The AirGap Wallet is installed on an everyday smartphone
A dependable HTML media framework
High-performance neural network inference framework for mobile
DreamFactory API Management Platform
Mobile app for creating and maintaining long-term positive habits
Powerful open source team chat application
Product analytics platform
An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One
Cross-platform C++ libraries for building network applications
Secure, open source and community driven crypto wallet
Berty is a secure peer-to-peer messaging app
Used to integrate Android apps with Facebook Platform
An SMS-forwarding Robot Running on Your Android Device
Turns UDP traffic into encrypted UDP/fakeTCP/ICMP traffic
Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android
Tock, the open source conversational AI toolkit
Touch-friendly image lightbox for mobile and desktop
PHP version calls the OpenAI interface for question and answer
The Wikimedia Commons Android app allows users to upload pictures
Everything you need to build and deploy scalable realtime 3D apps
Firefox for Android
Image Lightbox, Responsive and Touch‑friendly
Nostr client for Android